New LiDAR sensor Benewake TF02-Pro TFmini-S TF-Luna for drones UAV

Houston, we have lift off. Thank you very much sir, that worked beautifully.

I recon that other people would be interested in this as well so i shared it on Google Drive (since WeTransfer has an expiration date)

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The TFluna_IIC_command Arduino sketch doesn’t detect any I2C (IIC) addresses, it only sets it.
So where is says:

  Wire.write(0x1E); // For 23 change this line

You should change 0x1E (which is 30 in decimal) to whatever address you need.
Use this site to convert decimal to hex

Did you use Bud Ryersons library to scan for the newly assigned address ?

I ran the TFluna_IIC_command sketch twice to make sure the address was set properly. Then check with Buds library if it did. (don’t set a new address, only check)

I’m using the ATMEGA328P Pro Mini 328 Mini ATMEGA328 5V/16Mhz , cant seem to use Buds Library ?.

Okay. Let’s say that your i2c_scanner.ino sketch successfully detected the address at 0X6F (which should be 0x10 = 16 decimal by default)

Then in the TFluna_IIC_command sketch you have to change line 10 and 19 from this:


to this:


Don’t forget to change line 14 to the newly desired address

Sorry think we misunderstand each other maybe ?..
Steps i did.
1-original luna detected as 0x10 with i2c-scanner.
2-used TFluna-IIC to change address by changing (Wire.write(0x1E); // For 23 change this line) to 0x12
3-read out i2c-scanner , gives 0x6F.
4-tried another luna with steps above but 0023 in line (Wire.write(0x1E); // For 23 change this line) .
5- again read out i2c-scanner , gives 0x6F.

Thats why i’m confused now…

Yeah that’s confusing. Maybe invest in an Arduino Uno. That one worked for me flawlessly

So that i understand. If you power up the Luna and use i2c-scanner to probe. It replies with 0x6F or 0x10 ?

Let’s take this off this thread. Sent you a private message

So new problem arised.
I got all Luna’s working in I2C mode on my Pixhawk. ( Thanks to everybody here ! :ok_hand: :vulcan_salute: :call_me_hand: )

When Pixhawk is connected through USB all distance data can be seen and easily adjusted.
But when the Luna’s are connected and i acces the drone by Sik Radio (915Mhz ) there is to much data going back and forth for the radio to handle.

I adjusted PC-USB -> SIK to 115200 Baud , PIX Serial 1 -> SIK to 115200 and Airspeed Air --> Ground to 128000 , so you would think this is enough…its not !.

As i already build myself a Mavlink controller and want to use it when collision detection is ready i’m a bit blocked by this air to ground data traffic yam.

Does anybody have a clue how to handle this ?.. !
-Lowering data stream Luna’s ?. How ?
-Not sending Luna data over 915 ? ( need the rest however ) How ?.

Yes, the avoidance messages can overload slow telemetry links.
As for latest experiments, I used WiFi based links based on esp-01 (as for the Pixracer) or a Companion Computer running mavlink router.

Thank You for making this clear,

So i still have a Walkera 2.4Ghz air & ground unit lying around .It worked with the Pixhawk i tested it a while ago.

This would be a better option for this you think ? .

Oh what…ill plug it in !..and see… :slight_smile:

EDIT-1 04-09-2020 …tested it on 2,4Ghz, Air to Ground Telemetry same result… :smirk:

(just to make it clear …The walkera Ground connects Through BT with PC or Android device and with 2.4Ghz to the air unit on the Pixhawk )

EDIT-2 05-09-2020 Non of the Air-> Ground units work. The Luna’s block all traffic when connected .???


I can see the user manual and the test GUI on Where do I find the i2c firmware and the firmware update tool?

I created google drive link, you can download it from here:

Thank you, @ibrahimqazi. I was able to download the files.


Correlation between barometric and lidar altitude:

Hi all,
the TF-luna is now i2c compatible or do you still need to update the FW? I have a 3 "microquad with the VL53L1X Lidar I2c I have problems outdoors and I would like to replace it with TF-luna.

Hi, Alberto, the latest version TF-Luna already supports both UART and I2C. Which is the firmware version of the TF-Luna you got ?

Thanks Siya, I still have to buy it on aliexpress :slight_smile:

Hi all,
i connected a TF luna instead of a VL53L1X Lidar on my quad 3 "FC omnibus nano v6 with GPS and COMPASS (i2c). The VL worked fine indoors so the connections are correct, but the TF luna is not detected. The TF Luna it is connected as the VL in i2c with RNGFND1_TYPE = 25 RNGFND1_ADDR = 16. On the TF luna I connected 1 5Vcc 2 SDA 3 SCL 4 and 5 together with GND (i2c mode).
What can I try? Thanks

Good day, did you try connect it on the serial port?