New ArduPilot methodic configurator GUI

Hi @amilcarlucas
Further to my earlier suggestions and in a perfect world, i would be ideal if the GUI when connected to a vehicle, read the parameters and from them write the Intermediate Parameter files for that vehicle. That would mean anyone could use your excellent GUI editing features on any machine and provide a friendlier entry for those new to ArduPilot.
To cover the case of vehicle parameters being changed outside the GUI and firmware upgrades then have a refresh mode that identifies the vehicle changes and updates the Intermediate Parameter files.
As I said a perfect world! :slight_smile:

ArduPilot Firmware already does automatic parameter update on software updates. So the software does not need to do that.

The software gives these errors when I import your files:

Duplicated parameter BATT2_MONITOR in C:/Users/amilc/Documents/iav/ardupilot_methodic_configurator/vehicle_examples/Test MethodicConfigurator\09_batt2.param line 132


Duplicated parameter INS_GYRO_FILTER in C:/Users/amilc/Documents/iav/ardupilot_methodic_configurator/vehicle_examples/Test MethodicConfigurator\11_mp_setup_mandatory_hardware.param line 350

So you need to open those files with a text editor and remove the duplicated lines.

Hi @amilcarlucas

Thanks for identifying the duplicated parameters which I will delete.

I would like to clarify my above suggestion for a more user-friendly GUI.

Creating the Intermediate Parameter Files

  • Connect the Methodical-Configurator GUI to a vehicle that has Ardupilot configured.
  • The GUI then reads the parameters from the Vehicle and creates the Intermediate Parameter files for that vehicle.
  • The parameter values on the Vehicle and Intermediate Parameter files would therefore be identical.
  • The GUI is then used to edit and update the parameters on the vehicle.
  • This configuration would allow anyone to use the GUI to quickly and easily start editing the parameter settings on any vehicle.

Intermediate Parameter File Refresh Mode

  • This would be needed when the vehicle software has been updated using Mission Planner or the vehicles parameters have changed outside of the GUI.
  • In this case the Vehicleā€™s parameter setting and the Intermediate Parameter files would not match.
  • Have a ā€˜Refresh or Updateā€™ option to update Intermediate Parameter files to match the vehicle setting.
  • In this mode the GUI reads the vehicles setting and updates the Intermediate Parameter files.
  • The parameter values on the Vehicle and Intermediate Parameter files would then again be identical.


The software already ā€œautomatically Creates the Intermediate Parameter Filesā€ for 8 of the parameters files

And I do not think the 2 modes are needed and will confuse users.

Just test the SW it already does most of what you need.

On the left you see the parameter value at the FC, on the right the parameter value from the file.
You can select to write, or not to write the file parameter to the FC

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There is a new development release with bugfixes and a new bitmask editing feature.

Yet another release, this one remembers the file you last written to the FC and restarts from there.

What do you prefer ? an install script like for linux and windows ?
For now the steps are quite simple (must be tested on different setup to be sure however) :

# Clone the project
git clone

# Use venv if you use python3 due to the PEP668
cd MethodicConfigurator
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

# Uninstall serial and pyserial to avoid conflicts
python3 -m pip uninstall -y serial pyserial

# Install the project dependencies
python3 -m pip install .

#Installation complete.
cd MethodicConfigurator
python3 ./"

The cube is perfectly detected

And no issue to read the parameters

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I would prefer a githubworkflow MethodicConfigurator/.github/workflows at master Ā· ArduPilot/MethodicConfigurator Ā· GitHub

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Version 0.2.9 just released:

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Thanks for your hard work. Do you think it would be possible to put all the information (methodical tune thread & GUI configurator links etc.) into the official Ardupilot docs somewhere? Happy to help with copy-pasting, screenshots or whatnot.

Hi, since this program was released I have never been able to go beyond the screen present hereā€¦every time it tells me that it canā€™t find the intermediate parametersā€¦if someone can teach me in a simple way how to do it to be able to go further I would be grateful to him otherwise I will abandon that is, I will continue as I have always done in recent yearsā€¦manually doing the various stepsā€¦Iā€™m sorry that I would have liked to have a tool that would make it easier for me and direct me to the various steps to follow to doā€¦ Iā€™ve been trying and trying for days but I canā€™t go any furtherā€¦

Sure, Here it is.

  1. Use option 1
  2. As template source Select the diatone_taycan_mxc directory and after that the 4.5.1-params
  3. Leave the destination base directory unchanged
  4. Edit the text ā€œMy vehicleNameā€ to something more descriptive.
  5. Press the button ā€œCreate vehicle directory from templateā€


Next time you get stuck, ask for help instead of waisting your time.

The files get created on the directory you specified. So the next time you open the program, use option 2 and open the directory you just created

Thank you amilcarlucas for allowing me to continue using the programā€¦I arrived at this window following your instructionsā€¦but I see that another tab is set (The problem is that the intermediate parameter files created are for a Matek H743 flight controller ) and not my pixhwakā€¦ .how do I set up my pix in the program.
Thanks again for helping me improve my learning.

Hello Luciano,

The matek is a template. As all templates it is a starting point that you need to modify to meet your needs.

You need to change all the values to match your vehicle.

Version 0.2.10 has a critical bugfix, please update ASAP

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Version 0.3.0 introduces forced and derived parameter support it is now possible to implement the initial parameters spreadsheet inside the methodic configurator without changing a single line of python code! :slight_smile:
Currently around 35 parameters get automatically set without user intervention, but the number will grow.

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You need to manually give write permissions for your user to the file:


sorry for that, It will get fixed in the next version.

Hello Amilcarlucas, I am using the 0.3.0 version of Methodic Configurator. I have connected my FC to computer and editing the parameters. However i am not writing them to FC, i am choosing skip parameter file and everytime it asks whether i want to save those values in that particular param file, so i click yes and it moves on to next param file. This was what i wanted but when i did the same for ESC.param file and clicked on ā€œskip parameter fileā€ instead of asking to save the params the program shut down. When i reopened the ESC param file the values and the reason that i had written were saved but when i manually select bat1.param file from drop down above the program again shut down. Can you please look at this.
I am using 4.4.4 param files as template. And my vehicle directory is in D folder whereas the application is installed in C folder in case this info is needed.


There is something wrong with your bat1.param file. post it here.