Never got off the ground...Ouch

Wondering if someone would be kind enough to have a look at these logs.
I am looking for something out of whack. I tried to get the bird off the ground for the first time and she throttled up what I thought was unusually high all of a sudden then flipped tossing the battery away thank goodness.
Anyway…I am suspecting a vibration issue. I say that because when I got back to the shop I tested everything. Motor spins in the right direction and the right order…Props hmmm…best check they where not on wrong. But I am pretty sure they are correct.
However one observation I made while bench testing is I throttled up and suddenly the motors stopped solid and mission planner reported a crash while it wasn’t moving.This is why I suspect vibration.
I just suck at reading the logs and could use some help. These 2 logs I suspect one is the crash.
Align (139.4 KB)

some extra files.
Align Crash (480.9 KB)

Im not at home now to download the log but I suspect that you have something in the wrong direction or a failed motor or esc than vibration issue, did you take off in stabilize?.

I dont think its direction but will check the props. I have checked motor spin and motor order and all good as well I checked frame type.

But I get a crash while on the bench that makes me thin vibration

Hi @rickyg32, I am definitely not an expert on logs reading, but I do know how to look for vibrations and it doesn’t look like you have this kind of a problem.

Thanks @gnitzan for having a look. I am still thinking vibration or…a sudden lean. When I first built the machine I got a pre arm Leaning error which means the FC thinks its leaning greater then the max lean value. So I same wondering if I have some new logs that show the machine reporting a crash while it was on the bench. I will post those logs and perhaps someone can confirm vibration or a sudden lean angle on the bird.
It was merely sitting on the bench motors spinning when it reported a crash. So something is up

These are the checks for a crash

  1. the vehicle is armed (it was)
  2. the vehicle is not landed (as far as it can tell) It was sitting on the bench.
  3. the current flight mode is not ACRO or FLIP it was in stab mode
  4. the vehicle is not accelerating by more than 3m/s/s it wasn’t it was stationary
  5. the actual lean angle has diverged from the desired lean angle (perhaps input by the pilot) by more than 30 degrees… hmmmmm

Here are todays logs.
Twice a crash on the bench
Plus bad AHRS and Vert position error.
1 1969-12-31 7-00-00 PM.bin (190.7 KB)
2019-09-02 10-32-30.bin (203.1 KB)

Crash detection is somehting I had not experienced before except in a real crash so it’s possible that the crash is being detected simply because it’s on the bench.
I read this on another website.

You are testing on the bench.
The copter does not move.
Arducopter has a logic built in, that tries to detect a crash and shuts down the motors, to prevent further damage or injury from happening.
Your testing method just triggers the crash detection, because you are holding full stick input and the copter does not move.

My experience might apply to your issue as I recognize a few of your symptoms.
Several times after updating the firmware mission planner will show a dramatic tilt when no tilt existed, this is always combined with vertical acceleration, when no vertical movement is actually happening. This is immediately upon powering, usb or battery. When disconcerting mission planner I get a message indicating the craft is still in the air. Well I reasoned that the firmware installation when bad and is corrupted. Now I only install firmware with full battery power, rather than using the usb power, and this condition no longer happens. Perhaps you should try reinstalling the firmware with battery power, I think the usb power supply might be marginal. I would not fly if the ground station is showing movement when none exists.

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Hey @Hquarter I think I may have installed that way or just the FC itself on the USB.
But I think you make a good suggestion.
I will reflash it on battery today if I get the chance. I will then calibrate outdoors to be safe as well.

I just wish there was something in the log that said…hey the machine did this weird thing. I will also look at recalibrating the ESC…I find the motors seem odd to me. I confess that could just be emotion. But will check.

Hi @rickyg32,
If nothing that is important for your project is in release 3.6.10, maybe try to flash good old 3.6.9 and see the behavior.

not a bad idea except the last back leveled version via mission planner is 3.6.7
Regardless I will try the new flash

Now at home, can you clarificate witch log is the crash one? , Its looks a good recomendation to reinstall firm from 0 if you discard other hardware issues.
Try to remove props and move the quad with your hand to see if motors respond correctly.

Hey @cala2 Hope all is well with you.
Sorry I am not sure which log is the crash log as I had not cleared the logs as I normally do prior to a maiden.
I am going to reflash the controller tomorrow and then run through all the calibrations again.
For a quad to flip on take off there are only a couple things that do that.
Wrong frame
Prop direction.
Flight controller orientation.
Motor numbering
Bad calibration.

I will re-calibrate and go through each of these items.
There is one other item that I am not sure about and that is ESC calibration. These are BLheli firmware and I am unsure if there is anything special I need to do. I saw a strange behavior with the motors
Check out this video.

Are you using aux ports for the ESC connection?

No standard connection.

I think they need to be plugged into the Aux ports. That’s all I know but I think this was why I could not control my motors too.

YEs Aux ports for the full grown pixhawk.
But Pix mini and Pixracer are regular ports per the documentation on the arudcopter wiki.
Also the Pix mini has no aux ports so makes it a bit hard to do lol.
But keep the ideas coming it’s really appreciated.

Trying to survive politics here lol
With standard params is difficult that flips, as you look on video stay with your motors spinning ant try to move the quad with your hands from side to side and looks if motors acelerate and des acelerate correctly.

I will check that tomorrow.
Yes I have been watching the politics there. Was chatting with a good friend of mine in BA this past week. He filled me in.
Watch the video and let me know if the motor behavior seems right to you.