Never got off the ground...Ouch

Pray for Us :wink: . that sound when stop or accelerate? its normal without props but listening again detect that an esc is not perfect calibrate with others, perhaps not the crash reason but not good too.
An unsync esc issue can be too but rare with new Bheli esc.; happens to me two times but with old esc.

Ya the sound seemed off to me and I couldnā€™t place it. I will check the ESC calibration as part of the reflash tomorrow. I kept thinking I had an ESC calibration issueā€¦Not suggesting that caused the crash.
Also desync would be more pronounced and then only under load. These are free spinning so desync isnā€™t likely.
tomorrow I will reflash the controller and run through the calibrations once again.

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It sounds to me like thereā€™s active braking enabled in the ESCs - that might be an issue. More experienced people than I probably should offer some advice thereā€¦

Also, as suggested I highly recommend arming in Stabilise mode and give it a little throttle, hold the craft up and move it around carefully taking note of how the motors accelerate or decelerate. The side dipped lower (by hand) should have motors speeding up in an attempt to bring the craft back to level.

what type MOT_PWM_TYPE parameter is set to?
are you able to connect to your esc with BLHELI suite?

Well this morning brought sunshine and a chance to work on the drone.
I reflashed it with Arduplane then took it back to 3.6.10.
I went through all the calibration as always with one exception. I did the ESC calibration using oneshot.
Completed it and finished the rest.
Once all done I armed it. Lifted it off the bench and moved it around. Everything seems to be perfect.
Then I put it back on the bench and throttled up and down a couple time and guess whatā€¦no odd throttle snap up and no sudden crash report. This was the Arducopter I remember.

so next up is to try it a couple more times and then see if I get a chance to maiden again.
In the mean time here are the logs from todays test. If anyone sees anything odd let me know please and thanks.
1 2019-09-03 7-07-18 AM.bin (45.8 KB)
2019-09-03 07-07-57.bin (445.6 KB)

Thank you everyone for your assistance

Nice, this night I take a look, If you can, take a video when you test to take off.
I always before that test, with new builds, I put on the floor, give a very little thr and move sticks without take off and verify again if all movements are correct, if something has risck of damage, I add extra protection pads the first take off, just in case of little crash, always over soft floor. GOOD LUCK :slight_smile:

Yes, I have had lots of emotional melt downs over the performance of my drone!! I sure doesnā€™t help with troubleshooting.

If the Brain (firmware installation) is not perfect than you cant trust anything.

I sometimes still see a little vertical movement right after powering up, but this stabilizes after a few minutes. Nothing like the dramatic movements you describe. If the ground station is not reporting accurate movements, or no movement, donā€™t attempt to fly.

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I do the same.
I was trying to do that when the first crash happened. I too just give it a bit of throttle, then move the sticks around. Usually I find that pitch is reversed and have to correct that.
So if I can I will get down stairs today and arm it a few more times looking for any issues before I try another field test.

@Hquarter I could not agree more when it comes to the emotion.
That morning I had tried to fly two other drones. Both failed miserably. Both where related to the controller and since i didnā€™t bring my glasses I could not read the display to see what was wrong.

I got into the car and drove home and first thoughtā€¦I am done with this hobby. I was very upset.
but after a mile or two I realizedā€¦this is the hobby and if I didnā€™t like it I could take up knitting.


Thatā€™s great to hear. And I wish you a great maiden flight.

As for the bad test flights, it is always heart breaking to go back home after your drone ā€œmisbehavedā€, even when nothing broke itā€™s still disappointing when you need to go back to the drawing board.

I wanted to ask if you could share a link to the source of your frame, itā€™s sure looks nice and roomy.

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Hey Gal
The frame was sent to me from a friend. I will see where he got it and let you know.

I am thinking if there is no rain tomorrow I will get out to the field and see if she flies.

thanks again for your help its very much appreciated.

Mmmmā€¦ I though that after crashes or fails but this hobby is like drug, you return again and again so I dont tell me that anymore, I also said the last I build butttā€¦ :joy::joy::joy: , lost case :hugs: