Mission Planner Android

ive just pushed a new android build to resolve the no flight mode issue, its to do with the lets encrypt problem, and is only an issue for devices its been installed on recently

What means pushed?
I loaded the App from PlayGoogle. Still the same “Unknown” Mode.

[quote=“Michael_Oborne, post:183, topic:62896, full:true”]
ive just pushed a new android build to resolve the no flight mode issue, its to do with the lets encrypt problem, and is only an issue for devices its been installed on recently

Thank you @Michael_Oborne soo much ! The new version are updated in Play Store (compiler 71821) !

please try updating again, When i posted that i had submitted an update to google play, but it takes a while to be approved on google play

@Michael_Oborne The mode setup and the display in the hud works now.
Thank you verry much.

I need new function, to get TABLE/CELL GPS position to mark new polygon point. I now the FOLLOW ME and MOVING BASE extra function (test page) have a create new icon in GPS position, I propose create a new item in DRAW POLYGON function “CREATE GPS POLYGON POINT” (if have a better name, no problem), this function will create one new polygon point using internal GPS position. This option will be enabled only have a actived FOLLOW ME or MOVIND BASE, because the external GPS was selected before.

I like to do that, but I am old deveper and I don’t compile to Android.

Thank you can do it ! I feel this will be very interesting who need mark polygon using same Android Table/phone !!!


I need to monitor PIDP.I to tune the right CoG
When I try with the tuning screen I have PIDP but not PIDP.I



Was this issue solved aleady?
“need joystick support :wink: I know that Android recognize joystick, but MP can’t,”

I need help to compile MP solution to Android

When I try to change parameters in MP android the cell was red and no save new value !

Thank you

@Michael_Oborne The Telemetry Logs are difficult to find deep in the directory structure of the App.
And it is not possible, to select another, existant Directory on the Android Tablet with Config/Planner/Log Path with [Browse].

this is an android 10/11 thing, you will find most apps will start to move like this.

Its a Samsung Tablet with Android 5.
Even if I changed the Log Path, after restart MP the Path is initialized to the default value.

2 bugs in Android Version:

  • On the parameter list screen, when searching for a parameter, the application closes.
  • On the SURVEY (GRID) screen the GRID options do not appear complete on the screen.

I have Mission Planner available on my Android Tablet.

Works OK - but has an ergonomic problem. Mission Planner really needs a mouse to access all the screen objects like pull-down menus and check boxes. To use it on an Android tablet, you really need to use a stylus to easily get to all the control items.

Qgroundcontrol has better screen ergonomics for an Android tablet. But of course there are a few things that require Mission Planner.

@Michael_Oborne ,
Another wish to make it like MP for PC.
When I connect via Bluetooth I need a Baud Rate of 57 600. So I change it (with a Stylus) to connect.
But every time I start MP for Android, this procedure is necessary because it shows default 115 200.
The Baud Rate is not saved as with MP for PC. Even if I exit MP with the Windows apearing after pressing the < on android.
The selected Port is saved and set as it was before at the next start.

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Hi @Michael_Oborne ,

I had problem in Samsung TAB A android 11 8" and same other Android devices. the “mouse right button” didn’t open function list of map screen in Flight Data and Flight Plan, NO WORK in Android New Version (pre-realese) 80710 version.

Hi, @Michael_Oborne ,
there is a very bad situation with typing of symbols at “Full parameters list” and “Full parameters tree” tabs in a search box and parameter value cells - it is impossible to input any symbol or a string. Screen keyboard opens upon touch on the search box or parameter cell and I can type symbols. But upon clicking OK button to insert result into search box or parameter cell screen keyboard remains opened for 2 seconds and then application closes.
To be more precise - if I click screen keyboard OK button after something is typed and then quickly tap device hard-button “Return” (or “Back”) then I can see typed symbol in a parameter cell or string in the search box but nevertheless application closes in 2 seconds.
I tried versions 1.3.76 and latest beta 1.3.77 at Samsung Galaxy A5 (5.2") under Android 8 and Samsung Galaxy Tab A6 (10.1") under Android 8.1.

Hi @Michael_Oborne,

I cannot understand, my tablet android is speaking chinese voice ! How I can change the speaker ? my region is Brazil and Language is Portuguese. When I just connect drone MP speak with English Speaker, after change to Chinese Speaker.

Thank you or anyone have a solution,


Have you set the correct language in MissionPlanner/Configur/Planner?