Mission Planner Android

Hi @lorbass,

Yes ! UI Language = Portuguese. I did try change to English, but didn’t change the Speaker,

obs.: This only in Android ! I tried in same tablet or cellphones, same problem.

thank you,

I will try old MP android version to test restore portuguese voice again….

@lorbass @Michael_Oborne

I did install old version Mission Planner Android to see and proof that has a BUG about voice language option (Planner setup list box).

mission_planner v52731 1.3.74 SPEAKING CORRECTLY !

new android version going out now, that i think will move back to the correct speech lang.

your tablet must have chinese tts engine installed

very nice ! MP go back to respond to correct speech language correctly !

thank you !

@Michael_Oborne Just wondering, while you are at the sound things.
Any update to make the android version Start/Stop Vario to work?

Yes, or this one already reported:

I’ll check it out as this uses a feature not native to android MissionPlanner/Vario.cs at 9f049aeb4cfc69feef855d77d21aa03478c381c1 · ArduPilot/MissionPlanner · GitHub

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I’ll look at this as well. I know the issue for this one, fixing it will be harder

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Thank you, we are spoiled from the perfect App for Windows. :wink:

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Michael, please just ignore this post if not helpful to you.

If you can make the Vario beeps work from MissionPlanner either under Raspberry or Android, I am super happy.

I found this for beeps under Android:

and this for beeps under RaspberryPi OS:

ive already added some code for android, but not release on google play yet. if you download first from githib and load it should work

Wow, that was quick!
Thanks a lot!

hm maybe I installed the wrong version from Github, it only do one beep when I turn the Vario On. Then silence even when alt change.
I have a Samsung tablet with android, which file to install? there are 5 of them. I choose

I found also 5, no idea which one. Therefore no one installed on my Samsung Android Version 5.

if its a new android version use the arm64 version

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App starts to install and ends with the message: App not installed.
On two Samsung Tablet SM-P605, Android 5.1.1
Version 1.3.76 works.

If you first uninstall the current App, it will succeed to install the new version.
At least mine did.

yes, it latest version. I installed the arm64 version okay and it runs.
However, same as before only one single beep when I turn on the Vario.
I checked with the same plane to connect with Missionplanner under Win10 and it beeps like expected when I move the plane around. So at least that can be ruled out.
Could it be its sending a tone too high or too low for me to hear it?

ok new version on github, that should fix the vario