Lora telemetry module with pixhawk

please write us directly from web chat, we will help

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What would you like to specifically see here? when using the mavlink inspector, you end up with a log string of the various parameters that are being streamed at various refresh rates. I donā€™t really know how to appropriately capture an available bandwidth metric from this view, as you canā€™t really even copy and paste, so the best i would have is a screenshot of 2-3 of the vehicles data rates. I was able to connect 5 on the net, and am working on a few more.


What is your Zoon configuration indicated in https://zoon.dronee.aero/ right now?
Did you test the range?
Do your GCS request messages at a specific rate or you leave it vehicle as it performs by SRX_ parameters? So I can guess what your effective payload is and you can say that it actually matches with the configured/requested rates by observing mavlink inspector.

It might also be worth having a glimpse at this https://discuss.px4.io/t/wifi-lora-telemetry-add-on/4860 discussion

Looks to me like an old and dead projectā€¦ hereā€™s what the autor wrote in 2018:
" Sadly the project is a bit on the back burner at the moment. The esp8266 part works, but I have not tested the stm32/lora partā€¦"

Well, maybe there is a chance to reanimate this project?

Just an update here, I received 3 units and I am still evaluating on the bench with SITL and different GCS as part of my Blog series on SWARMING.

I will probably write full report after real life testing later (late spring).

@ppoirier, have you had any luck so far? despite testing out the V1, V2, and V3, i havenā€™t found any of them to really be able to maintain a connection at a long enough range to warrant even trying to do swarming work, as i get GCS failsafes constantly (at less than 200m).


So far just bech testing, it is still snowing here in QuƩbec :wink:
Might start tests in a month and I wil certainly update

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Much appreciatedā€¦ snow is gone here in Upstate NY, so iā€™m getting antsy again!

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I recently got some ZOON V3 radios and am having issues connecting multiple vehicles to my GCSā€¦ I know I must be missing something obvious can you give me a brief explanation of how youā€™ve done it before?

hi Ana,
you have done some range tests of your radios? I have issues even with a single airplane in the air


I havenā€™t been able to get the radios to work with connecting to pixhawk nowā€¦ not sure whats happened and havenā€™t been able to do any flight testing yet. Sorry!

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Did you test it? I like this idea tooā€¦

Be sure to turn off the ismesh field in the configurator, and enable mavlink swarm. I used apm planner for testing on the ground, but the link was so unreliable that I wasnā€™t willing to try any airborne testing. I used the V1, V2, and BE, and just didnā€™t get results that even came close to the alternatives on the market.


Thanks Chris,

Iā€™ll try to turn that off and try again. Considering I canā€™t even get it to connect to anything other than the online configuration tool I will stick with other products I have for testing.

Are you able to share your code?