QGC will try to automatically connect to anything you plug into usb an android. When you plug it in do you get the android prompt to use this device with QGC?
Yes, but once QGC is open, there are no ports available to pick from like when i use a 3dr modem (ttyACM0 or ttyusb0).
Thank you. That is up to you but please tell your configuration like number of vehicles, data rate, bauds, mesh enabled, encryption etc.
to connect with QGC you need to change few parameters on QGC-> Mavlink packet like on this picture , set the Telemetry stream Rate like on this picture
Thanks Artem, but the problem is not when running QGC from a computer, it is when running the android GCS. QGC is not recognizing that there is any port available to open.
I tried on my Android phone it works fine.
Did you finally managed to get a working setup ?
I think that it would really be interesting if you could write a blog on your setup and experiments so other could benefit from your experience
Can I have your email CHRISTOPHER??
Want to ask some doubt on Zoon telemetry!
Sorry, i have not had time to look at the zoons again in a while. I did receiver the v3’s in order to take a look at the “NeverLost” functionality. I also understand that there is a new firmware out that may correct some of the performance issues i was seeing… @Artem_Skorsky can you confirm this? If that’s the case, I’ll have to update all my units. Where i left it, the anticipated range at a data rate for using telemetry wasn’t really all that novel or exciting. Immersonic has also released the Ghost system, which I believe is using the same chips and does have great reviews.
My to-dos…
- Look at network Traffic with 5+ zoons connected
- Complete range tests with V1-3’s and test NeverLost functionality
- Write it up in some kind of document for other to reference
No idea when i’ll get around to these, but i’ll try…
Thanks for replying, and keep us updated.
I am planning on swarm experiments and LORA is an interesting option that deserves to be tested.
It might also be worth looking at this project: https://github.com/mistyk/inavradar-ESP32
Interesting but it is not using MAvLink
Unfortunately yes, maybe it´s a good starting point?
I guess with proper FW these modules can be used as cheapest Mavlink modems.
I will be testing the SX1276 = 915 Mhz as 433 is not legal in America
Hi Christopher,
Please make the tests with the latest Zoon Firmware.
Hey artem, how do I get the latest firmware? Can that be done through the dronee zoon plugin?
please follow this instruction on this blog post ZOON firmware update
Please check the V2 download link… it somehow got stuck in a multiple download loop and spammed my computer.
I will try to start updating firmwares and maybe doing some testing this week.
I was able to update all three versions to the latest firmware, and got all but one radio updated. On the first V1 that I attempted to flash, there was an error while copying data from the browser, and as a result i can no longer connect to that unit. I am now working to configure the remaining units.