Lora telemetry module with pixhawk

please follow this instruction on this blog post ZOON firmware update

Please check the V2 download link… it somehow got stuck in a multiple download loop and spammed my computer.

I will try to start updating firmwares and maybe doing some testing this week.



I was able to update all three versions to the latest firmware, and got all but one radio updated. On the first V1 that I attempted to flash, there was an error while copying data from the browser, and as a result i can no longer connect to that unit. I am now working to configure the remaining units.


please write us directly from web chat, we will help

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What would you like to specifically see here? when using the mavlink inspector, you end up with a log string of the various parameters that are being streamed at various refresh rates. I don’t really know how to appropriately capture an available bandwidth metric from this view, as you can’t really even copy and paste, so the best i would have is a screenshot of 2-3 of the vehicles data rates. I was able to connect 5 on the net, and am working on a few more.


What is your Zoon configuration indicated in https://zoon.dronee.aero/ right now?
Did you test the range?
Do your GCS request messages at a specific rate or you leave it vehicle as it performs by SRX_ parameters? So I can guess what your effective payload is and you can say that it actually matches with the configured/requested rates by observing mavlink inspector.

It might also be worth having a glimpse at this https://discuss.px4.io/t/wifi-lora-telemetry-add-on/4860 discussion

Looks to me like an old and dead project… here’s what the autor wrote in 2018:
" Sadly the project is a bit on the back burner at the moment. The esp8266 part works, but I have not tested the stm32/lora part…"

Well, maybe there is a chance to reanimate this project?

Just an update here, I received 3 units and I am still evaluating on the bench with SITL and different GCS as part of my Blog series on SWARMING.

I will probably write full report after real life testing later (late spring).

@ppoirier, have you had any luck so far? despite testing out the V1, V2, and V3, i haven’t found any of them to really be able to maintain a connection at a long enough range to warrant even trying to do swarming work, as i get GCS failsafes constantly (at less than 200m).


So far just bech testing, it is still snowing here in Québec :wink:
Might start tests in a month and I wil certainly update

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Much appreciated… snow is gone here in Upstate NY, so i’m getting antsy again!

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I recently got some ZOON V3 radios and am having issues connecting multiple vehicles to my GCS… I know I must be missing something obvious can you give me a brief explanation of how you’ve done it before?

hi Ana,
you have done some range tests of your radios? I have issues even with a single airplane in the air


I haven’t been able to get the radios to work with connecting to pixhawk now… not sure whats happened and haven’t been able to do any flight testing yet. Sorry!

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Did you test it? I like this idea too…

Be sure to turn off the ismesh field in the configurator, and enable mavlink swarm. I used apm planner for testing on the ground, but the link was so unreliable that I wasn’t willing to try any airborne testing. I used the V1, V2, and BE, and just didn’t get results that even came close to the alternatives on the market.


Thanks Chris,

I’ll try to turn that off and try again. Considering I can’t even get it to connect to anything other than the online configuration tool I will stick with other products I have for testing.

Are you able to share your code?