Kakute f7 gps not working

My setup did the same thing until i reversed the wires however not all GPS will work. I setting up a new Kakute hd right now and let you know.

After frying my old Kakute i gave it a shot on a new Kakute HD model and was able to see the compass in the hud now. looks like from my GPS rx is swapped with tx tx is swapped with rx. cl goes to sda

I have not calibrated anything and at one point i removed the gps in the calibration menu and rebooted. make sure you load the firmware manually.

kakute.param (17.6 KB)
see these is the parameter list check these if I’m wrong please tell me
that is AIO board I’m using just f7 board

I have the AIO version.

Will that make any difference that AIO and normal kakute board

Assuming you have GPS connected to Serial 3 (default for this board) set the baud to 38. You have it at 115. I don’t know if this will fix the problem but worth a try.

Regarding the difference between the AIO and non AIO you are using this as reference right?

Yes I’m using that reference
I asked hglrc they said use 115200 braud rate
But I checked all the braud rate non of them working :frowning:

I don’t think it matters actually. If it’s auto detected as a Ublox GPS it’s configured for 230400 baud. Perhaps the chip in that unit uses a protocol that isn’t auto detected. You could try selecting some of the other protocols with the GPS_TYPE parameter. Actually you have this set to 2. Try Auto (1)

I was able to flash the Holybro Kakute F7 HDV AIO Flight Controller got the GPS sorted and now can’t find TX1 input on the board for the 915 radio as others have posted in the HB FB page I believe it’s been routed in the cable connector so screw that. I decided this board has no real use for me or advantage and is a waste to time moving forward. for the extra money I would just go with the new mRo PRP. I think to many versions of this board and and wile i respect others are using it it’s not worth a failure down the road using MP. I hoping to sort out the DJI air unit on the x2.1 that is a steller FC designed to be used in MP from the start.

It was on auto after some time I changed to ublox to see whether any change happens but in vein nothing has happened

Then I suppose it’s not auto detected. Try some of the other protocols, nothing to lose until you find another module.

I would guess they are clueless about Ardupilot.

Yeah I also thought they don’t know about ardupilot
Yes I’m trying that one now

did you try this? this is the fix for the Matek Systems M8Q-5883 SAM-M8Q GPS & QMC5883L Compass Module. keep the software at auto. remember you need to reboot after any change. also make sure you manually install the Kaktute f7 firmware. I recommend deleting the compass in the compass cal page. Good luck.

UART1 is on the 6-pin connector. Use another UART for the telemetry radio, plenty there.

Good idea Dave… yea its on the pin connector.

Tried these no change same no gps and compass missing
When you connect the gps it should come gps: no fix right?
I’m not getting no fix only

when it working you see no fix… yes. then take it outside.

Maybe the gps won’t support ardupilot I think need to change the gps

You could try making another post simply asking if the chip in that GPS Module, which they say is a M8130, is supported. Did you try the NMEA protocol? Even though it says the output protocol is UBLOX.

Yes I tried NMEA protocol also but nothing I think that’s better to ask I also think the m8130 doesn’t support ardupilot don’t really know what’s happening in the gps