Kakute f7 gps not working

Compass is recognised but cant calibrate that one

so you know i had the same exact issue you are having yesterday. MP hud said no GPS but the blue light was flashing.

So what did you do did you got working

How do you know that?

In compass tab in mission planner its recognised as external QMC5883 compasa

swap all wire but the power and ground. I not using the 5 volt pad on the top.

Even scl and sda wires also and where did you connect 5v

getting voltage on the bottom rail and yes swap them all. but not the power or ground.

Ok thx a lot I’ll try that and get back to you

here are the breadboard connectors I use when dealing with new hardware. simple way to debug tx issues.

Once you get it working then you can remove them or just buy one more FC.

Anyone know it the Katute HD version has been ported?

The Kakute F7 Target should work but that that board doesn’t have an AT7456E OSD chip so no functionality for that obviously.

Tried everything not working I really don’t know what to do I’ll just change the gps and see but I don’t know why its working on betaflight but not on ardupilot

See its detecting the compass
Can’t send more msg since ardupilot discussion has message restrictions per day had to wait till now to send it

So the module is obviously getting power. But you say it won’t calibrate?

Have never seen a message restriction.

I’m new to forum so maybe its restricting new use maybe
So need to use new gps or new fc I really dont know that’s the issue

The FC, assuming it’s not damaged, is fine. I have used Kakute F7’s on a couple of builds. Nice board. If you want a small GPS/compass module you can’t go wrong with the Matek unit. They are performing well for me on small builds. OK, they are not $15 like that cheapo you have but for $30 it’s solid.

Well that’s not the issue the issue is we cant find matek in India and we can’t import also all ecommerce are closed that’s the issue

That is a problem. Can you post your parameter file? Perhaps there is something useful to see. You can attach it directly.