Kakute F7 AIO S.Port Telemetry

Hey guys-Does a buzzer work with this FC? I see it in the Hwdef file but not sure where it’s connected. It seems I saw this somewhere but can’t find it. The +5 and Z- pins?

Buzzer pin is powered when lipo is connected. Buzzer goes to +5 pin and buzzer pin. Should work.
Alternative way i tried also would be using led pin - this way buzzer works from usb power, but it has only 1v level and buzzer is set between led and ground pins. Not worth it

So… everything is okay now?

Yes! Passthrough telemetry, GPS, compass, ESP8266 radio, voltage and current measurement, all good on the bench. I haven’t connected a camera to check OSD but I’ll be assembling this into the plane in short order.


Is there any way to connect a frsky flvss too monitor each cell from the battery on taranis tellemetry through s-port?

Are you familiar with this?

Yes I am
I have it already at my big coaxial X8
But at my big copter I use frsky X8R that has smart port in and I get each cell voltage from flvss
Can I connect the flvss some how to holybro and Frsky xsr?

I don’t use any sensor modules but yes it should work the same way as your X8R.

At my pixhawk I connect serial 4/5 too craft @ theory cable too flvss too X8R

So at Kakute I have too connect the uart tx5 too flvss too xsr??

How-to diagram about half way down the page below:-


This diagram…

Although I’m using the new inversion code, so don’t need a special cable. Connected on T2

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You could probably use T2 but it’s suggested to use T6. See here:

For reasons I haven’t yet had chance to diagnose T2 worked and T6 didn’t.
I mentioned just in case it wasn’t just me.
Once I’ve had chance to diagnose I’ll report back

Any available Tx port should work I would think. I’m using T6 with an inverted Sport input on an R9MM with the serial option set to 4.

Just reporting back, S.Port worked on T6 this time, not sure what caused previous issue, I can’t replicate it.

Not sure whether it’s just my setup, but I’m finding telemetry very unreliable, usually works to start with, then falls over after just a few minutes, even though connection to receiver still no problem. Once it drops it doesn’t return without a reboot.

Any suggestions?

9XR Pro, ersky9x, X4R-SB

I keep hearing folks refer to SERIAL4_OPTIONS or SERIAL6_OPTIONS. I don’t see these in Mission Planner full feature list. Am I missing something?

Like many, I am trying to get telemetry from a Kakute F7 working on an r9 mini and have tried using the TX4 to s.port. I set the protocol to 10 (frsky passthrough) and baud to 57 (which I read doesn’t matter). No new sensors are discovered on my X7. I’ve also tried TX6. This inverted/non-inverted mess was one of the reasons I went f7! Any help appreciated.

The new inversion code uses options. Option 7 is for s.port - (one wire inverted)


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Protocol 10 is passthrough, which is used with the yaapu telemetry script or similar. I don’t get any new sensors discovered on the TX with this option either. Have you tried the script?

Install the latest (Master) version of Arducopter for the Serial Options parameters. Also update to the latest Mission planner and you will have a pop-up dialog menu with check boxes to configure the Options.
For example this is the config using the Inverted S.port input on a R9MM Rx. It’s Plane but Copter is the same.

I use Yaapu on every model. Copters, Planes and a Rover. It’s great.