Hi, David.
Probably you will not gona make R9 mini work. I hope you do, but I tried a lot. The solution was buy a R9 MM receiver and use SERIAL4_OPTIONS=4 and SERIAL4_PROTOCOL=10 with Yaapu Script and master version of firmware.
The mini might work but no-go with a Slim. Unless they fixed it with the latest firmware but like you I switched to the R9MM and all was good right away.
2019-02-13 190201 Fix the incorrect telemetry issue
It looks like there is an update for the R9 slim. I will test it tonight.
I can confirm that it works on an F405-wing with an R9-slim + and the latest firmware. I used the settings suggested by Dave.
Working for me also with a Pixracer.
hi all. i use omnibusf4v3 with latest arduplane daily builds. everythings work fine execpt frsky telemetry. i have r9m and r9 slim+ set. r9 slim+ has inverted s.port out. i connected tx1 to inverted s.port(receiver pin rx1).set serial1_protocol =10 and serial1_options=4. it only shows the gps sensor. no other sensor. i tried deleted all sensor an re-adding new sensor. but still same. only gps.
How did you get the current working? I thought I read somewhere that the KF7 AIO current sensor didn’t work with Arducopter?
But then someone said the way to do it is use an ESC with telemetry, and hook the telemetry cable from the ESC up to a UART?
And then us there also a parameter setting?
Is that what you did?
I can assure you that current sensor works in Kakute F7 AIO with ArduCopter >3.6. There is no need to use ESC telemetry. You can connect the ESC power source to one of the +/- ESC output of the Kakute F7 AIO and it will naturally compute the current going to the ESC too. So, your battery have to be directly connected to Kakute F7 AIO and you can use the 4 +/- ESC pads of the FC to connect a 4-in-1 ESC or another device. Remember that the voltage in these pads is the same of the battery. Regards!
Thanks very much guys. Yes I see how the current sensing works with the K7 AIO.
At the time I asked the question, I was thinking of using the K7 AIO with a 4-in-1 ESC, but then changed my mind since I had 4 ESC’s laying around.
I actually don’t know how the K7 non-AIO works for current sensing (esc telemetry?) … But that’s a question/problem for another day.
Hi, does anyone knows how to set the SERIAL6_OPTIONS with a Linux computer ?
I am using the latest QGroundcontrol and there is no such parameter in the list.
Thanks - would appreciate to get the SPort telemetry working.
I need your help, please. I have a Holybro Kakute F7 AIO. I connected TX6 on the FC with the SPort on the receiver with a single wire. I used the latest 3.7 Master firmware. I do not get the yapuu telemetry working.
Yapuu telemetry is set correctly as I use those receivers also with other Pixhawks and with them it does work (via adapter).
The following parameters were set:
I tried also TX2 and TX4. No success
There was only one SerialX_Protocol set to 10 at any time
I would appreciate any help, because I have a lot of frustrating hours behind me.
Best regards
After additional 2 hours I found out, that it works without a problem on Serial 1. with all other Serials (2,3,4,6) telemetry does not work or stops after some seconds.
I’m using Kakute F7 AIO and a FrSKy R9 MM receiver at R6/T6 with Yaapu telemetry on Taranis X9D+ working flawlessly. The R9 MM have an inverted S.Port, which is the one I use. The standard S.Port did not work for me. If you can use T6 for telemetry, you will have one more free UART for other components.
R9 Slim+ with Kakute F7 (non-all-in-one),
Can’t get it to work…tried every way I could think of, including, I think, every suggestion in this thread, every UART, every serialX option…inverted, not inverted, uninverted, double inverted with a 1/2 twist, upside-down quarter inverted, and every combination thereof (and right, wasn’t the F7 supposed to fix this so we don’t have to worry AT ALL, about inversions?). Also tried the firmware that says “fixed telemetry issue”, as well as one or two others.
Would not work.
I grabbed an R9MM I had on the shelf, and it worked almost instantly.
I use the NON-inverted s-port connection on the R9MM, with serial options = 7, and it works.
I have the same behavior on plane 4.0.5 with a matek f405 ctr. I was using serial 2 and couldn’t get telemetry to work for more than a few seconds. Soldered to the serial1 pad and all is working.
it is an old thread, ad i think like i am losing my marbles. i had perfectly working setup, it is a same controller.
i had it working with the X8R.
now i am setting up R9M and R9MM link. i get channels. taranis is on the 2.2.2 version. i cannot get S.PORT pass-through going no matter what. tried it into the Sport/fport pin, tried into inverted sport pin. option 7 and option 4 - no use.
what can be the deal? all people say r9m/r9mm should work fine. do they need specific firmware of some version for this to work? i did not even check what they do have. any ideas?
On a Kakute F7 AIO and an R9MM Sport out (not Inverted Sport).
BAUD doesn’t matter
Not using V2.x.x Frsky, I have too many Rx’s to re-flash and I simply don’t buy their BS line:
1.Fixed the channel output error (uncontrolled servo movements) under certain conditions.
2.Strengthened correction and verification capability.
I don’t think this will matter in regards to Passthrough telemetry so you may as well keep V2.x.x.
insane evening. i got dma issues with matek f765. figured it out now, serials are working again. it is quite a tricky stuff…