Jumper Xiake 800 Flight Controller

Hi there, my name is Peter and I am new in this forum.
Mine arrived today and I have 3 x CCW Motors installed but 2x CCW Props and 1 x CW Prop included ?
What is the orientation of the motor directions ?
Thanks in advance for your help
Best regards from germany

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The front right is CW others are CCW

Normally you specify that in the direction of flight and then it is not the right but the left motor / prop!

(Your picture is probably clear, but not for someone who asks so …)

Erbsenzähler :wink:. That’s why I did the picture.

Besser Erbsen zählen als Absturzberichte lesen … :wink:

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Mir ist eine solche Definition nicht bekannt, darum habe ich das Foto gemacht :wink:.

Hallo zusammen,

dann ist also ein Motor “falsch” montiert. Würdet ihr den Propeller einfach anders herum montieren oder nur den Motor umpolen. Ich habe 3 x CCW Gewinde (links).

Viele Grüße


I think we should switch again to English, no one else probably will understand German :wink:. You don’t have to do anything, motor direction is controlled by the flight controller & the ESC via DShot protocol. You just have to mount the rotors correctly. Mine works perfectly fine.

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Thanks for the support, I was unsecure about mounting props with fixing thread ccw rotating cw.

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I made two new versions: one for the full air unit and one for the Vista. The Vista version has no antenna mount (also suitable for analog): Jumper Xiake 800 Canape by maro0016 - Thingiverse
I recommend the mounting method for the antenna as described in the jumper video: Jumper RC Xiake 800 Y3 VTOL videao transmission system installation tutorial - YouTube
Please be aware, it’s still in beta state.

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Hi Everyone slightly off topic but relevant I think.
I cant find any documentation to do autotune in fixed wing fbwa apart from disarming in autotune mode.
how do i do an fbwa autotune with a vtol please. Not Q_autotune. I seem to be lost at the bit where theoretically i need to disarm on ground in fbwa mode with autotune running which is not possible.
Can someone put me right please

Maybe this helps: Arduplane Fixed Wing Autotune Overview - YouTube. Just add change the last mode from cruise to autotune in Mission Planner. I think the servo_auto_trim setting 1 is also helpful. Then you switch in flight in Autotune mode and fly as described in the video (or Ardupilot documentation). Here my autotune dvr footage: Autotune VTOL flight (Jumper Xiake 800) - YouTube

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Thanks I will look into this. You Know I’ve done quad autotune and plane, This sounds so obvious so to speak but I must be looking it up wrong ha ha. Thanks for quick reply…

Yep I followed the painless one so to speak. But when i switch to q_hover or loiter to land this disables autotune as a mode therefore not saving. I hoped to use the aux channels to keep it on but otion unavailable

Well, it should save if you finish. Can you make a screenshot of your rates?

Hi Robert Yes I Did The pids stayed the same however my airspeed setting was rather high in FC iI cant remember exact name of this term I did not maintain this speed this will stop autotune, Ive been reading up again It seems as you say it should store. I’ve just remembered this disarming in autotune from the past.using drones and wrongly applied here, It seems not to explicitly state this in docs for plane… When weather here in UK stops blowing a gale etc I shall try again after finding and lowering this expected cruise speed setting. Once again Thanks for assistance… Dave

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You can fin my rates from autotune above. I left all the time throttle in mid position (but I was not aware that this is needed).
Greetings from Switzerland & Happy flying!

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yes Thanks.
For reference this is the parameter that was high on my model.
QUOTE “Autotune won’t do anything until you are above the minimum airspeed you have set in the ARSPD_FBW_MIN parameter. If you don’t have an airspeed sensor then that value is still used, along with an airspeed estimate from other sensors”


So theoretically if i set above parameter to a sensible cruise say 30kmh the autotune should commence and save as it goes is my new understanding. Cheers Thanks again. Happy New Year… :smiley:


That’s the new full air unit version