Jumper Xiake 800 Flight Controller

Why not? Others have reported logging,

Weird, I thought it didnā€™t have the means to use an SD card. Does it have an internal flash? I donā€™t have the plane here with me ATM.

Most Flight Controllers w/o Sd cards supported by Ardupilot support logging. A have a few of those.

Iā€™ll check it out, thanks!

It does:

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Still no local vendor in the US for these kits?

What a shame to see such an active thread of a product from a company that totally ripped off a hobbyistā€™s 100% custom, opensource design: StephenCarlson/MiniHawk-VTOL: Artwork for the MiniHawk VTOL, a 3D-Printed Tricopter/Fixed-wing hybrid aircraft. (github.com)

Not only did Jumper fail to contact the original designer before mass producing a ripoff, but they also have yet to respond to any of Stephenā€™s messages or requests to rectify this mess: MiniHawk-VTOL: A 3D-Printed Tricopter/Tilt-Rotor Fixed-Wing Plank - Page 4 - RC Groups

I find it funny that @tinyspot (presumably affiliated with Jumper) was in this thread early on mentioning that they would surely reach out to Stephen to rectify this situation, after another user brought up the minhawk VTOL hackaday page. Here are the problems I have with this:

  1. They did not reach out to Stephen at all from what I can tell (before or after releasing the product).
  2. Stephen has actively reached out to Jumper, and has been ignored by Jumper with his basic requests to respect the licensing agreement of his original open source project.
  3. Jumper is in clear violation of the original projectā€™s licensing agreement.
  4. The fact that Jumper pushed ahead and blatantly copied this design, hoping that nobody would notice that it is a 100% copy of someone elseā€™s work so that they can cash in on it. All the while, @tinyspot is in this thread doing a poor job of clean-up and promising they will ā€œmake it rightā€. There is no making this right with Jumperā€™ clear intentions to sweep this under the rug from the start. They are a scam company that 1-1 copied someoneā€™s design, when it would have been just as easy to come up with their own design of a similar tricopter VTOL configuration.

Stephen had full intentions of taking his design and creating a mass-produced RTF version to lower the barrier of entry of VTOL for hobbyists. Now I am afraid that he has given up his hope of doing this now that this cheap knock-off has saturated the market. And from the looks of the problems you all are having in this thread with the FC, a cheap knock-off it is indeed.


I think everybody (at least me) would get a proper, higher quality version. However not for 1200$ like the OMP Hobby VTOL. Most people ordered this model without knowing the open source project (e.g. me). Iā€™m however not sure if I would have made a 3d printed one. I hate balsa wood models & 3D prints are as brittle as balsaā€¦


I wonder if Land Rover and Rolls Royce were ever compensated


If Iā€™m honest: I donā€™t like knock offs. But thatā€™s here not really the case. There is no original foam version you can buyā€¦

I personally have a little experience in designing flight controllers. Some responde badly to large winds might be caused by a PCB design flaw because of too much electromagnetic interference on the IMU.

I have a suggestion on how to find out if the real problem lies in the difference between the CCM memory of the CKS32 and that of STM32.

Maybe you can download the entire firmware from the chip through a stlink to a computer(the ardupilot firmware is not encrypted as far as I know). Then replace the CKS32 with a STM32 one on the Xiake 800ā€™s flight controller and download the firmware into the STM32 chip.

Then you can re-test the plane to see if the problem lies with the CKS32 chip.

Hope you can soon find out the problem.:blush:

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I will just replace this FC with a Matek VTOL.

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Will it fit? Itā€™s larger than the PCB dims that @ddegn posted.

Well, itā€™s a foam plane so it it doesnā€™t, Iā€™l make it fit :slight_smile:


Hi Tridge and all Ardupilots,
I fitted a gps compass unit its all picked up in hw id, Everytime I try to calibrate compass board reboots I have a load of text messages uponā€¦ googling it seems to be a hw watchdog. I grabbed your hw defs and compiled my own target still cant calibrate. Any workarounds would be very very helpfull.
Thanks Dave B

Were you able to have the compass recognized? I fitted a BN880 and wired the I2C lines for the compass but it does not work though the GPS works fine.
Iā€™m kind of disappointed by the ā€œqualityā€ of the FC so, instead of fighting it, Iā€™m going to replace it with a Matek VTOL in the following days.

Hello there yes. I used betian 880 dual gps/compass.
I rewired plug as necessary. I2c all works. Compass shows in the hardware id check.
However. When attempting the compass calibration the controller reboots. My messages were giving long text code i did a Google and this appears to be a hw watchdog reset. Itā€™s looking simpler and safer to replace this lot by looking at it. Unless the Devs have time to get this controller working. Thanks good luck

Thatā€™s weird, Iā€™m quite sure I wired it correctly but it does not work at all. Anyway, as I said, Iā€™ll just replace the FC, I think it will be at least easier to make it work, debug issues, etc, as it is better-supported hardware.

Maybe itā€™s worth you checking params make sure ext compass is enabled then do a restart. It may show up. If not last thing is swap sdl and sca i2c wires just in case. Hopefully this helpsā€¦

I did check the parameters and they are ok. Never thought about swapping the wires because Iā€™m pretty sure they are correctly connected but worth the try. Anyway, the new FC should arrive in the next couple of days so I will give it a shot just for the sake of it as Iā€™m going to replace the original one anyway.
Thanks for the tips!