Jumper Xiake 800 Flight Controller

What do you say if I install the F405 flight controller, is it possible to flash it with the settings from the original controller?

I believe at least the Q_ parameters, the channel mappings will change because the hardware is different but don’t quote me on that, I’m learning it myself.

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I would not suggest loading a saved (or posted) parameters file from the old FC. Flash the latest Stable version of Arduplane, enable the Q parameters and then update the parameters manually from the saved parameters file. At least that’s how I would do it. A text editor like Winmerge (or online versions) helps with this using file compare.


Hello everyone,

I did the maiden flight of this little bird. It flies well, but I ran into two issues:

  1. It does “backflips” when performing the transition from Q_Stab to FBWA or Accro:

It doesn’t always happen, but it’s often doing one or more backflips, like in this video:

After the flip(s) it flies normally. Nothing else seems wrong while flying, so I guess it’s something specific to the transition phase.

  1. The Rx antenna connector doesn’t seem to be a standard U.FL connector. I damaged the stock antenna, and I wanted to replace with some “elrs antenna” I ordered, but the connector is too big. Is the smaller U.FL connector something standard? Can I find an antenna that would work? Or do I need to swap the Rx as well?

I had the same flip when I was testing Q_HOVER and Q_STAB so I guess it is not only during the transition to horizontal flight. Fortunately, I was very low and over high grass so no damage was made. After that, I decided to ditch the controller and use a Matek VTOL instead. I’m right now working on how to install it.

Interesting. In my case I think it’s just during the transition, I had no problem in plane or Q modes.

I’m going to dig a bit more before I swap the FC, I bought this plane so I could have something that flies right of the box, I don’t want to tweak it that much.

I found something quite interesting here: QuadPlane flips during transition - #39 by Robel_Efrem

I did not check the CG before flying (I know…), so perhaps that’s the reason.


Has anyone here already replaced the FC with the Matek F405 VTOL? I’m doing this right now and would like to exchange information. I’m unfamiliar with Arduplane and would like a better idea about which channels to connect the motors, servos, and other sensors. I understand this is mapped on the Matek page but would like to have some confirmation.
Thanks in advance

Where exactly is the CG from the Xiake 800? Mine has also backflip the first test flight just like Adilson in Q_Stab. mode, and it crashed. I broke one of the props.

No i was wrong. I think if the front tiltmotors switch too fast and the backmotor is not off yet. I think the plane wil flip not back but foreward

I would probably be there with you on swapping out the FC, although I would use an H743, but these are not readily available in the US and less so in Mexico where I am at present. No way would I pay the shipping going rate for this plane and the Jumper distributors here must not want this thing.

Any specific reason to use the H743?

No feature limitations, latest supported tech, futureproof. I realize you don’t need an H7 to fly this plane but it’s what I would buy for any craft today. Ardupilot features are only increasing so a fast processor with 2mb flash doesn’t hurt.

Edit-A good argument for the vtol/wing boards is they have useful BEC’s. Certainly a consideration for some applications.

You are 100% correct. In this case, I just decided to buy this board because it was featured in a series about VTOL on Painless360’s youtube channel.

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I think it’s a good choice.

I’m working on replacing the original FC with it right now but I had to order a servo extension as the ones I have around are either too short or too long.

I installed a new FC & it works at the bench fine. I went at first with a F405 VTOL - if I loose this plane like the last one it’s then not such an issue. The second plane I own will probably get a H743. I have now to add the FPV camera & mount the gps and wait for better weather. I will share the configuration when I’m sure it works :sweat_smile:


That’s awesome, please do share. Thanks in advance.

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Do you have any news on that?

I work 100% and have family → probably Saturday or Sunday :wink:. Weather is than also fine.

Cool. Can you just send the current configuration so I can double-check mine?