IMU based NED position estimates(dead reckoning)

Are there any parameters to play around with that gives us local position estimates based on IMU readings (dead reckoning) with GPS disabled?
I tried it in SITL, I have disabled AHRS_GPS_USE and set EK3_SRC1_POSXY = 0 and EK3_SRC1_VELXY = 0 . In SITL, I get the LOCAL_POSITION_NED messages for a few seconds after setting SIM_GPS1_DISABLE =1 and then it stops.

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Not really, unless you get navigation grade IMU you won’t have good position estimate for more than few seconds without using at least optical flow, especially on a rotorcraft.

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I want to get the position estimates reported by IMU regardless of the accuracy, I have a companion computer that can give vision based psoition estimates but I need the position estimates of IMU as feedback

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If you are correctly sending vision position estimations and have configured EKF to use them then it looks like it isn’t being integrated into the solution.

Please post a log so somebody with more experience with VIO can help.

@Hannan , did you figure it out?
I also want to examine the position/ velocity estimates done based on IMU

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