How to improve AutoTune results on big quad coaxial X8 [RESOLVED]

The tune is actually pretty good. With small changes in attitude there is some jitter/oscillation but the magnitude is low. When larger commands of pitch and roll are demanded it’s not bad. Any improvement will likely have to come with manual tuning. I would start with Rate Roll/Pitch kP with the current value if you want to attempt it at all.

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As @dkemxr points out the tune is not bad.
The ringing in pitch and roll may be helped by another autotune set at a lower aggressiveness but you would have to weigh that up against response.

Some of that ringing could also be due to frame resonance as there is a pronounced Z axis resonance at speed.

You also have a bit of spread on your motor outs which might be worth addressing.

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It would be interesting to see FFT analysis of this carft at Hover. Follow the process for batch logging in the Dynamic Notch Wiki and post that log. You only need to hover for a minute or so in AltHold.

These settings:

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@dkemxr @mboland,
much obliged for you reviewing,

It is great that the tune is better than I thought, until this heavy project, I used to run AutoTune and never looked back…

Would you think it would be beneficial to try manually raise P gains a little using ch6 and than feel the behavior in the air and review results in logs, i.e. take the the long way to paradise?
Currently when flying in PosHold, the response is pretty good (except on yaw) and I would hate loosing that.

@mboland motors outs: motors 1234 are 16x5.5 props and 5678 are 15x5.5 props, so higher rcouts to 5678 Wouldn’t that create such a spread?

I shall fly tomorrow morning (windless until 10am) and do the AltHold hover for FFT.


P.S. the ACCEL MA on error rate of PIT/RLL seems to be almost double on the PIT, is it something of concern?

Try setting these:
This one is already close enough:
PSC_ACCZ_I,0.5 (0.442392 calculated)

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@dkemxr @mboland
Here is the FFT graph


If you want to try the Dynamic Notch filter these settings would be a good 1st attempt.
INS_HNTCH_ENABLE 1 (then refresh params)
INS-HNTCH_REF .216 (note)

SET INS_LOG_BAT_OPT to 2 and then make another flight.

Note: I see in your log you have a field for CESC with data for 8 ESC’s that looks like ESC telemetry including RPM. Is this CAN ESC data? If so then you would want to use motor RPM as the reference for the filter not throttle. In that case INS_HNTCH_MODE would be 3 and the INS_HNTCH_REF would be 1.


Normally I would use APM Planner for plotting but oddly it does not show individual CESC data. Good old MP does.

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Yes I use CAN esc’s. I might try this now or tomorrow. Thank you

I understand why you have the spread in Motor RPM on an X8 with different size props but I wondered how this would work with the Notch filter and ESC RPM as the reference. It uses the average RPM of all motors there is data for. So you might be OK or you might have to use throttle reference, not sure what will work best. The cutting edge is a reference from in-flight FFT which is in Master.I just started experimenting with that.

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Well, I plan to fly tomorrow and I already set the notch filter settings so I shall have fresh logs (if ap_logger.cpp will not crash on me again).
Thank you

hi @mboland @dkemxr,

I did an AutoTune on RLL/PIT this morning with AUTOTUNR_AGGR=0.08 didn’t do YAW since the wind picked up. I did one short test flight both in AltHold and PosHold so we can have the FFT results. Looking at the ATT in log seems like the diff between desired and actual is very far, however the quad feels much more stable so I do not really know and would appreciate your input.

log file
params file

The filter is certainly doing it’s job. Massive change in relative magnitude on those peaks. The tune doesn’t look bad. The same low magnitude jitter with small attitude commands and more overshoot on Pitch. At this point I would resort to manual tuning but you could try another autotune with an even lower aggression I suppose. Nice job so far Gal!

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Thank you Dave, seems like a little storm is heading here, hope it shall be over tomorrow morning.
I shall try to AT wit 0.065 aggr

While most people seem to have great success with Autotune for me it has been hit and miss. More hit’s than misses for sure but I kind of like the challenge of manual tuning. It can be time consuming but most of my craft have WiFi radios so I can download the logs after landing and disarming and do a quick analysis, make changes and get it back in the air w/o powering down.

It sure would be nice to have more than one in-flight tuning channel available. Hint to the Dev’s :grinning:

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@dkemxr my challenge is not “technical” (60 yrs of age), it is simply a lack of knowledge to understand what I see, what is a twitch, prop wash or wobble. I don’t understand what I see in the logs i.e when you tell me the results of AT is pretty good, I don’t know why because I can’t find this information anywhere using either AP docs and even not using our big brother Google.

I tried using ch6 for rll/pit p but as I mentioned, not enough knowledge.

So today I was able to run Autotune on all three axes AGGR=0.07

On my test flight first issue I noticed was a hard pitch forward on take off

I have lowered ATC_ACCEL_R_MAX to be equal to ATC_ACCEL_R_MAX and that seemed to make the pitching forward a little better, however I am not that sure why.

The quad seemed a bit more stable in the air, however looking at the logs I am not sure though I thing that the ROLL P gain is too high and PITCH P is to low ???

Any input would be appreciated
flight log
flight params


You might want to run AT again with an aggressiveness of .09. Looks like there is still a little tuning to be done.

I just ran AT on my 1300mm Octo yesterday. I started at .05 then again at .08 then finally .1 For the Bigger copters it just seems to be a bit easier on the frames/motors this way

I just looked at your Logs and to me the pids look way low. I just compared these to mine.

My Octo

ATC_RAT_RLL_P 0.28769025206565857
ATC_RAT_RLL_I 0.28769025206565857
ATC_RAT_RLL_D 0.013502832502126694
ATC_RAT_PIT_P 0.28913414478302
ATC_RAT_PIT_I 0.28913414478302
ATC_RAT_PIT_D 0.013977712020277977

Your X8

ATC_RAT_RLL_P 0.0862397700548172
ATC_RAT_RLL_I 0.0862397700548172
ATC_RAT_RLL_D 0.005460124928504229
ATC_RAT_PIT_P 0.06244916096329689
ATC_RAT_PIT_I 0.06244916096329689
ATC_RAT_PIT_D 0.0035960962995886803

I know every craft is different, but to me your PIDs look really low compared to my Octo and all my other big multirotors

Pitch looks better than roll. However, still room for more tuning

Something else I noticed, you have the Dynamic Harmonic Notch enabled and configured to use ESC telemetry, You don’t have any ESC telemetry data coming into the flight controller. So therefor the notch is not active.

On Gal’s craft look at CESC. I wonder if CAN ESC telemetry is being used?

@smartdave, @dkemxr thank you for your input on this.
I have previously made an AT with aggr set to 0.8 and my motors/arms started shaking terribly.

However, as painful as my tuning process goes I learn new things every day.

I shall try to run AT again with aggr = 0.08 and post the results.

On Gal’s craft look at CESC. I wonder if CAN ESC telemetry is being used?

Is there any way to know?
