I just installed firmware 4.0.1 and have a terrible lag time between control movement and copter reaction. I’m using a FRSKY X8R receiver in serial bus mode and an XJT module on the transmitter. I’ve used this set-up on another craft with no problem and the ESC’s react quickly, as they should, when setting the throttle thresholds. Is there some setting in the configurations or set-up menus I’m not aware of?
Try the latest 4.02-rc. It includes a change that can improve RC input/output performance for SBUS.
I’ll try it. It seems to make an improvement on the bench but I really won’t know for sure until I get it in the air. Now, do you know anything about getting the telemetry radios working?
Maybe. What radio are you using and what problem are you having?
They’re 1 watt knock-offs. (YRrc), I bought from Banggood. They’re advertised as 3DR compatible and use a simple USB interface. the computer recognizesthe receiver and they communicate with each other, just not with the FC. Mission Planner will load all the right values lf it is plugged in via USB but trying to pair them over the air and I get an error about not being able to enter command mode or the com port is in use. Any Ideas?
Heres an related post. That issue was fixed on 4.0.2 rc1.
Been a long time since I’ve used those radios, but that’s a fairly common problem with various causes. If you google “failed to enter command mode” (with quotes) you will get a lot of results and can find the relevant solutions by comparing other symptoms such as LED behavior.
Do you have a better telemetry solution?
Rick J Riggins
2585 E Pikes Peak Ave. # T-101
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
(719) 219-6884
Honestly, the 3DR SiK radios are just fine, and so are the clones (at least the ones I’ve tried). You should be able to get yours to work; the “failed to enter command mode” error is not usually related to the hardware.
I like that these are 1 watt and should be good for long distance, which is the goal here. I’m a fairly good technician but I’m new to the Pixhawk systems.
Rick J Riggins
2585 E Pikes Peak Ave. # T-101
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
(719) 219-6884
For long range, an oft-recommended radio is the RFD-900. It’s high quality and well-supported, but obviously more expensive than the sik radios.
I think you will find those radios to not offer much in the way of long range and they are extremely noisy. I have a claimed 500mw set in the drawer, basically junk. You will find some lengthy posts on here about them.
That said you should be able to get them working. From Mission Planner
Set the correct Com Port but DO NOT CONNECT.
Go to Setup>Optional hardware>Sik radio and press the “load settings” button.
Do both the local and remote screens populate? Post a screenshot.
They actually started working but the communication is so slow, it takes an hour to connect and load the parameters over the air. I’m sure it’s just a settings issue or a firmware change somewhere. Even if they’re working perfect, they only have a 2-3km range. I think I’ll take a closer look at the RFD 900’s. I like the 40km range.
Rick J Riggins
2585 E Pikes Peak Ave. # T-101
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
(719) 219-6884
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