HIGHRES_IMU for Visual-Inertial Odometry


I’m developing another autonomous multirotor based on visual-inertial odometry (open vins).

In other solutions, I used to simply feed the algorithm the message RAW_IMU (as defined here: Messages (common) · MAVLink Developer Guide) with 100Hz (I tried setting to 200Hz with MAVROS but never confirmed it was really 200 Hz although the rostopic hz was showing 200, some insight here is also valuable btw. The whole thing confuses me because I thought the telemetry capped the message to 100Hz.)

To keep things simple, I would like to use the HIGHRES_IMU and see if there are some improvements, but I’m failing to enable that message.

I tried to build and flash this custom branch modified by chobitsfan: GitHub - chobitsfan/ardupilot at pr_hr_imu, also updated the branch (so I could use it with the latest firmware). The problem is I still don’t see that message on Mavlink inspector, I get negative results even when I used pymavlink.

Could someone provide guidance on how to resolve this? Am I missing something?

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