Help me about takeoff

Oscillation has been introduced in the outputs possibly from the high D-term and maybe further exacerbated by the ATC_ACCEL values. My thought is to reduce both of these parameter sets to this:

There is also some yaw jitter that can be addressed but I would see if these changes have the desired effect first.

Nothing changed at all >>>> 00000063.BIN - ZippyShare

After autotune, it got worse, before autotune it was good, but everything happend after

Actually Attitude control looks improved and Rate control doesn’t look bad. But you are saying the craft is shaking. At this point I would have started to use Transmitter based tuning as you can dial in to a problem quicker but if you are unfamiliar with this it might not be the best approach. Auto Tune raised all the PID values from default where you said it was flying OK so lets lower them to these:

Leave the D-Terms at .006
If this results in the same behavior then return to pre Auto Tune Rate PID’s (D at .0035 and P&I at .135) and re-establish the baseline.
If that doesn’t work then we have to review the Notch Filter. It wasn’t flying bad when it wasn’t configured at all.

Good morning, we did params, test, and on loiter when it stand still it’s good, no more shake, but when i put him in sides feeling little trembling . When I put him to air after autotune it was much worse than was right now. >>>> 00000064.BIN - ZippyShare

Hello guys, did analyze my last file? Because without you i don’t want to make my magic :grin: After these params i could try to fly with auto ?

Traveling this week with not much opportunity to review.

That is quite close to being all correct, attitude control is tight with only a small sign of overshoot.

There was some slight instability during descent - this may not be very conclusive though as it was just one small descent. I would do a flight with a few ascents and descents at the highest safe rate. You may need a slightly lower MOT_THST_EXPO, or it could just be the PIDs needing a bit more work. These big props will probably need a very low descent rate to maintain stability. It will be worth setting PILOT_SPEED_DN

I would lower these a small amount and do another test flight
ATC_ANG_PIT_P,10.74586 → down to 9.67
ATC_ANG_RLL_P,8.840641 → down to 7.95

It may be that the D terms have to come down a little more too, but at this stage Rate P and I values look reasonable in the log.

Hello guys, I have been on holiday too, today I was trying with new values. When we tried to takeoff we made it just in third try, looks like one motor spinning slower and turn to one side. After takeoff I was trying to spin it around 360, looks like he swaying in the air, sorry for that short flights, but it was too scary to fly. It pinching up and it not stable. Before auto tune he was more better, easy takeoff, flights, even alt hold was better, and now in loiter he making 3m ± up and down. It looks like aggressive I turn it while looking in vertical position, but in horizontal he turning like it should. Here is the files>>>

hi guys where are you?

Attitude control looks generally good and Rate isn’t bad either but there is some periodic oscillation on the outputs that is not coherent with anything.
Why don’t you try a different Notch Filter configuration. It might not do anything but I would be interested in seeing the difference:

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I think yaw PIDs can go down a bit. Yaw is affecting pitch and roll and motor outputs a bit too much.

ATC_ANG_YAW_P,5.0  // down from 5.427387
ATC_RAT_YAW_I,0.06  // was 0.08952915
ATC_RAT_YAW_P,0.60  // was 0.8952914

You could probably add some payload since motor outputs go quite low, near to minimum, during yaw activity.
I think yaw is interfering with your take offs too, in that the yaw stick is seen as providing some input and winding up the PIDs. You would probably benefit from setting a transmitter switch and channel to Arm/Disarm so you dont use rudder arming. There might be some mixing you can do in the transmitter to ensure throttle is at minimum before the Arm/Disarm switch has any effect.

Also set
ATC_INPUT_TC,0.20 // or up to 0.22
to smooth the RC input.

You could try Daves filter suggestion, but I think it’s working fine how it is.

If those things dont help significantly, I would say next steps are probably getting used to doing transmitter-based tuning to fine tune the PIDs

Hello, in my area really bad air conditions, windy, and raining a lot, so when I will go, I will give you to know, and will send flight file.

Hello guys, i got x11 max motors and made another drone, so i letting x9 little bit rest, and now I goin wiuth x11 max. so yup, i got problem, i takeoff with first parameters, defaults. On stabilaze was everything fine, on loiter it’s very hard, looks like no balance at all I tried to touch extend tuning, but it got worse, so yea
 Here is the file >>> 00000030 Thanks for patience with me :grinning:

Never ever takeoff with defaults!

The first flight is always in stabalize and only after the mandatory initial parameters have been set in mission planner. You shouldn’t be flying in loiter mode until after the notch filter has been configured and tested, and until after autotune.

Not much point in making a flight w/o setting all of the Initial Tune Parameters. And as you have learned from the configuration and tuning process on your other craft set these:

Vibe levels are high and set the Motor Ranges (you have Arm=Min). All that was covered in the thread for your other craft. You should be able to set the Initial Tune Parameters, make some test flights to check output oscillation and determine setting for the Notch filter, set the Notch filter and make an attempt at Auto Tune. Then come back if you encounter problems.
But the Vibe levels should be addressed.

Hello, Today I was in flight, and news not the best, everything maybe would be okay, but when i take off i getting really big oscillations, tried to touch stabilaze roll, pitch and still didnt got better settings, really hard oscillations, sometimes i got kinda not bad takeoff but it starts swinging in the air, and making it more and more aggressive, so i drop it to ground. I was checking internet, but what i have been put, nothing helps, sorry for bothering you so often, here is the file >>> Tried.

Have you done what Dave said?

so I did everything you told me

@xfacta @dkemxr Hello guys, im back with x9 max copter. so i did testflights, everything seems good, just in takeoff it have some jump, and maybe someone can analyze little bit? maybe some comments where i can put more effort, i made it without autotune, because after that it oscilating, and another shit, so i making everything manually. >>