Help me about takeoff

Hello guys, i have problem, i build new big drone with x9 max motors, pixhawk 6c. Problem is when i do auto takeoff it goes in huge speed till 3 meters and crash, i have changed too many wings, i had a lot expenses after this, and i cant fix this problem.
Another thing, when i use RC and press little bit of acceleration to go up, it goes in full speed, but sometimes it listen me normally sometimes not. RC name SIYI mk15
I wondering, the problem might be because i don’t have any cube? Or it should go well ?

Post a link to .bin flight log where you have experienced this.

I already took off wings, I dont have bin file, im just tired to watch how it crashes to ground

Why not? They don’t go away unless you delete them from the Flight Controller. It’s the only way to get help for this.

If i got right one it is this one. i will try to search another one where it crash.

I’m sorry, first one was where it crashed. After i build it up again, tryed to fly again, he did the same, but I got lucky and drone didn’t blow up haha… Here is the link if last my try.

Here is the first file of the all flights, after i build it up.

I see a poorly tuned craft with some default parameters still set, some Initial Tuning Parameters not set and the Notch Filter not configured.
If you are going to fix it there are things to do before making another flight and then several simple flights in AltHold to collect needed data. Then Tuning can start. It’s a bad idea to perform an Auto Mission before these things are done.

Maybe you can help me do step by step, because our faith drops lower and lower, I would really appreciate that, cause now its blowing my mind :roll_eyes:

Sure. Start over from default parameters. The set the Initial Tuning Parameters from Mission Planners Setup>Mandatory Harware section (all of them). The set these:

And read this and configure:
Setting Motor Ranges

Then make a short hover flight of a minute or so in AltHold and post that log.

I’m installed ur params and i trying to put with RC without wing with alt hold and i put little bit of acceleration but he goes with full, im not sure about that don’t want to try it right now, and when i put him down it react after 3-4 ± seconds.

@dkemxr hello where you gone, I have been waiting for you all day to make decision.

Make a decision about what? A bench test without props with the transmitter is pointless and what you are seeing is expected behavior.

Thanks i will try tomorow and i will reach you with .bin file

With a new craft always start in Stabilize mode. Once it basically flies you can switch to AltHold.

Good morning, i just tryed that way you told me, and the thing is, im just started to spin motors, didn’t even put accelerator, and he started to go and one side didn’t go up, everything is okay, ready for 2nd try, just i will put file for you and you will say what i need to change, everything was in arm mode, RC was on stabilize mode…

Nothing needs to change. Give it some throttle and get it off the ground.

Hi again. We made it to takeoff, putting file, it is very twitchy right now…

Now set the Rate Pitch/Roll PID’s back to default as I said in the previous post. I had assumed you had followed that direction but I see you did not.
These to 0.135
And these to to .0035

Then make another short flight in AltHold.

What prop size?
And set these. They should have been set from the Initial Tuning Parameters. Did you perform that as I suggested?

Okay, i will set those, but i don’t see that you told me before about MOT_BAT and about ATC, i have been writing in all your params what you send to me, what should i put to bat? I use 4x 22.2V 12S 6cells LiHV TATTU.