Help me about takeoff

Hello guys, why no one reply for me? @xfacta @dkemxr Maybe you can help with this problem? auto regime going full thorttle, Maybe someone know, what i could do to make lower rpm in start, because takeoff is crucial, it was hair thin to brake it again, I don’t know what to do…

Read this thread about the TKOFF_SLEW_TIME parameter.
Takeoff behavior

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Since this has very large props I strongly urge you to set the safety related parameters as I have them here, along with these other adjustments.


You will need to check the Fence altitude and radius.

DO NOT use Auto mode or anything but Stabilise, AltHold and Loiter until this beast is properly tuned and working reliably.

@xfacta @dkemxr Hello guys, Problem fixed with TKOFF_SLEW_TIME, I really greatfull about you help, you guys are gods! i really appreciate your work, and everything in here was great lesson for me, as a starter I start to understand much more about it and it’s only for you guys. Thank you very much, for your patience and everything, you guys the best!

Hello guys, sorry for disturbing again, it’s not big problem but I just want to ask, while i made 1 point mission, takeoff only, it was standing still and after few seconds he moved to the side, soo, is this is bad, it’s compass fault or what? Sure i did more flights and more takeoff, payload was 20kg, and it’s looking kinda fine for me, maybe you have something to make, to improve that flights. here is the file, >>>

what your opinion about these flight’s? one was with weight one without, all looking fine with my eye. 29 was without 30 with weight, payload was 20 kg.

Vibrations are getting too high, you will need to address that.

Hello ardupilot gang. I have been update for 4.5.3 and i have problem wwith loiter break. Very ugnly breaking, cant hold it self normaly, jerking. Anyone has Ideas how to fix that thing? 00000155.BIN |

You can adjust all the loiter performance: