Has anyone looked at adding support for the BetaFPV V3 1s 12A AIO?

Hello, I post my issue there because this topic seems to have already a lot of interrested people by this board:

We are in developpement phase for a custom drone for our dronepark.
As we need to add an optical flow/sonar to our setup, we are trying to flash the AIO F4 1S V3 (STM32F405 version) with arducopter, following the sequence described here:


I upload the firmware founded here:


But when done ( STM32CubeProgrammer says ā€œupload successfullā€), the board is not recognized by the computer (PC under win10), no way to connect it, no USB serial port displayed.

This board is referenced as compatible with arducopter:


What could I try to flash arducopter properly and connect to Missionplanner or QGC?

Thank you,


What exact firmware file did you flash?

I did the port for this board and it works fine for me.

I use this one:


And it looks like a wrong firmware indeed.

should I try the one you share via dropbox here up?

I finally succeed to upload a custom firmware on the board, thanks to Andy1per!

The quad fly well, and Iā€™m tuning it for what I need, using autotune. Iā€™m in a huge indoor space, with no wind perturbation. As the drone has to hover in a relative static attitude, I experience drifting increasing during flight, as if the level reference of the board is lost step by step.
The first minute of flight is very stable, and after that it begin to lean and I have to hold it hovering with sticks. The logs shows that the pitch and roll are slighly increasing/decreasing even with the drone disarmed on the table while connected to MP.
Thanks for ideas!

Did you do this?
Temp comp

is it possible to use that on 1mb boards?

The simple answer is no. But, I built a custom firmware for a Kakute F7 just now enabling it, and disabling a bunch of other stuff, and at least the config parameters are there. Whether it will work or not I donā€™t know.

It wonā€™t work for that anemic F4 but I wonder if this would work for this F7 to save the data persistently in the bootloader (option) and then disable the Temp comp features and re-enable everything I turned off in another custom build.

so the other option is to do the offline calibration but how would I do that on a board with no sd card?

Guess you canā€™t run the script. What FC?

speedybeef405mini and JHEMCU GSF405A, I think the little controllers get much hotter than the larger controllers so are probably effected more.

You could try a custom build. You will see one on the server now for that BetaFPV board I did with a flash size of 809676

it doesnā€™t have a sd card for the log, is it possible to get it to save only what it needs for the temperature calibration?

I think so. Iā€™m running it now on the F7 just to see what happens. It started.

It completed and the coefficients are there. I didnā€™t bother with persistent save as that wonā€™t do you any good. Seems to be a good option for this board though.

Iā€™m on it,
But the procedure seems have changed on 4.5, as it does not fit with instructions on the wiki.
Iā€™m a bit lost about the auto calibration, the min/max temperature showed on parameters donā€™t change even after the process.
I found a very complete post on how to do it right, but it needs an sd card (with methodic configurator) and the board donā€™t have itā€¦ Iā€™ll try with mavlink logs and let you know.

Seemed clear to me. First time I had run it on 4.5 but I didnā€™t see a difference in procedure from the many times using it preveously.

Think you only need the Sd card to run the offline script.

I tried again several times, no success. If I follow the procedure, here are the differences with the given protocol:

-I canā€™ t find [INS_ACCn_CALTEMP and [INS_GYRn_CALTEMP]. Are these parameters not present on 4.5?
-I canā€™t neither find [INS_TCALn_TMAX]
If I engaged the temp calibration by setting tcal enabled on 2, put the board in the freezer, then plug it and wait a looooooong time (I tried until 3 hours on some sessions), the parameter never go back to 1, as it should be. If I change this manually (I power the board with USB, and can monitor and change parameters during the process), it does not change the tcal temp max/min.

I have to say a feel a bit stupid having spent so much time on itā€¦
Finally I found the bug, just my custom build of Arducopter that has no IMU tmp calibration available.
As I fighted to obtain a build that fit in the board and disabled the maximum of items, I missed that option. When I realized the mistake, I tried to build the same version but with IMU compensation, and it was oversized for the board. I had to switch to 4.4 to obtain a firmware that fit.

The good new is that we have a very performing 2.5 inches whoop for all piloting skils, running 15 minutes (max) under custom 2S Li-ion battery, with MTF-01 optical flow and Rangefinder, with HD Vtx (walksnail or HDzero)

Will post more info

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Thatā€™s great news. Thank you for seeing it through. I look forward to more info.

So after a temperature calibration that iā€™ve done by the board itself, I finished to configure the MTF-01 (optical flow/Lidar). It works, but inconsistently. I have a few question from where I am now:

-This board does not has a compass (right?), wich parameter have I to set and how? I read that for copters, a compass is mandatory.

-Can I log some .bin files on an external support? (ideally my computer)? The memory of the board allow at least 9 minutes of logging, thatā€™s why I couldā€™nt make a whole temperature calibration as detailled on ā€œHow to methodically configure and tune any ArduCopterā€ I tried different things but only managed to get a Tlog file (by setting log backend type) As I need to fine tune my copter, It would be great to have a solution for loggin (maybe external SD reader on serial port?)

-I have an EKF3 issue ā€œEKF3 IMU0 STOPPED AIDINGā€, and that since I installed and sat up the MTF-01. Any advice on a parameter to change, and what would be the risks around that issue?

Thank you,