Has anyone looked at adding support for the BetaFPV V3 1s 12A AIO?

The labels on the pads should be oriented like so:


it looks to me like your controller is upside down. If you get it the right way round then the default frame type will work for you.

There is an “RF shield” on the 4-in-1 board which I faced away from the controller just because it fits in the frame better. I could flip the 4IO over as you said but it’s not that big of a deal to adjust the mapping.

Thank you for your help once again.

Did your customer have any trouble configuring the onboard ELRS RC receiver on UART3? I am unable to do the calibration. The receiver is bound to my transmitter according to the LED but I don’t see any RCIN activity.

It worked fine for them. I have one now so will test. Although now that I look at it I wonder if I bought the wrong one…

I’ve ordered the right one now …

Thank you. Mine is the V3. The 2022 one had the SPI connection to the receiver.

I tried setting all of the serial port protocols to 23 and baud to 115 but still no joy.

Any other suggestions as to why it may not be communicating?

Which firmware are you using? Like where did you get it from?

Github ardupilot latest. It says 4.5.0

@andyp1per The mapping in hwdef of the serial to uarts looks to be correct so I’m at a loss as to why this isn’t working. Even if it was wrong, I mapped them all to RC so I expected it to show up somewhere, or is that not a viable approach? Do I have to test one at a time?
Have you received your new board yet?

Still waiting for the new board …

Ok. Thanks for the update. Mine took a while

Just arrived today - busy with something else at the moment but will get to it

Any updates on the RC stuff? Is there a setting someplace that can override the serial mappings?

Apologies, it’s in my queue - but just a lot going on at the moment

I understand - not trying to be a pest. I’ll stand by.


It would be really helpful if you could just confirm whether the problem is with the build or with my configuration.

Please can you try this? Is working for me

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Unfortunately I still don’t see anything in the Radio Calibration tab. I set the failsafe mask to 0, but everything else to defaults. I see a solid led for the receiver so I should be connected to my transmitter and I’m using a model that is the same as the one I use for the SPI receiver version of this FC.

Do the RX and TX ELRS versions match? I had to update the onboard to match my TX, it ships with something pretty old by default