How you did you connect pin by pin the GY91 board to mission planner?
If you have this nice breadboard it seems you are not only playing with ardupilot.
If you also play with arduino you can find simple sketches to test the board
On main screen you can open the status monitor with lots of values including acceleration ax; ay; az and gyro gx; gy; gz. Also you can see the artificial horizon moving
I can’t answer this but I don’t think so. On my ESP32 FC I also have no Baro and I get the data as shown. But I have defined with the board definition that this FC has no baro.
Yeah, i got boned like that, none of these GY-91 boards are real i guess, mine had no magnetometer, an MPU6500, but it does have a barometer, at least that i can detect with arduino programs. I’m not sure if a flight controller would recognize it.
Why should the fake manufacturer always use red leds, I don’t think this is a clear method to identify fake or not.
From my point is more important where you buy your stuff, from some unknown dealer on aliexpress, ebay etc or from serious local dealers with little higher price and the possibility to return defect modules
The MPU6050 and MPU9250 have been obsolete for so long that it’s hard to believe anyone is still selling a breakout board containing genuine, NOS ICs. I think it’s reasonably safe to assume that anything labeled this way in 2024 is highly likely to be a cheap clone, and as such, unreliable.
There are plenty of supported sensors at cheap price points that aren’t EOL. Suggest sourcing a different part number entirely rather than spinning your wheels on what are likely to be junk components.
The good thing about MPU6050 and MPU9250 is the strong libraries on internet and the support you can get. That makes you confident that it will work with !
The GY-91 is 10 DoF and it is not easy to find such functioanlity on small boards.
I agree with your arguments.
The device is not manufactured anymore and I started to believe that the sensors in the market may be scrapped from old devices or even fake as I experienced.
I am not expert in sensor world so I would ask your experience about what shall be used instead ?
I only know about BNO055/BNO085 (9 DoF) from youtube but no concrete information.
I found GY-912 (bmp388 + icm20948) as an alternative solution but icm20948 is not recommended for new designs as stated on invensense websiste
The chip i got was literally a fake, it had an IC that had MPU-9250 printed on it but every possible I2C scans and probes all confirmed it was an MPU-6500. I would avoid buying those chips completely, and in any case it’s better to have a seperate magnetometer anyway.