and in any case it’s better to have a seperate magnetometer anyway.
why ? can you please elaborate more here?
and in any case it’s better to have a seperate magnetometer anyway.
why ? can you please elaborate more here?
when the magnetometer is integrated on the accelerometer module, the accelerometer usually should be near the vehicle’s center of mass, which means the mag is going to be in the middle of a bunch of components emanating magnetic fields (power cables, metal, etc) and inaccurate. It’s better to have it seperate and as far away from the vehicle as possible, usually integrated within the GPS on a mast
I bought another GY-91 from a well known store on Aliexpress.
I tested the I2C devices connected to my board:
$ i2cdetect -y 1
I can see 0x68 which shall be my IMU and 0x76 which must be the Baro.
Note: 0x40 is my PCA9685
I tested the GY-91 with program from github:
The MAG didn’t provide any results !!!
Then I checked the WHO_AM_I byte (0x75)
I could see that it doesn’t have 0x71 as stated in datasheet of MPU9250.
I dumbed all information from the IMU for reference:
it seems I have another fake GY-91.
I don’t want to try again to buy such bad devices.
any recommendation for modern IMU which has good support in Ardupilot?