Please tell me what is the best flight controller that supports the arducopter and has the most accurate sensors today.
I would go for a Cube Orange+
For the exact details @proficnc will be able to provide full detail.
I don’t know if there is any other more advanced FC out there but I would go for the Cube. They have great support and I’ve never had one failed. I’ve been running the older black version for 4 years myself with no failures at all.
I’m sure others could point you to different great systems but in my experience this one has been the best, at least for me.
I also need to take into account the fact that the board must have gps
The flight control board itself? most don’t. The cube can use most gps systems for UAVs but the HERE3+ and soon to be sold HERE4 would be my first choice.
The gps usually also contains a compass. And the compass needs to me mounted on the outside of the copter to minimize electromagneticall interference.
To have all sensors at the fc board could be causing issues.
I also don’t know of any FC that has a gps module built in to it
Cube Orange+ with an external IMU (One with better specs than the already excellent internal sensors)
There is no good answer to your question because you haven’t stated any clear project goals.
While the Cube Orange and Orange+ are generally excellent, you may want to avoid an autopilot with a co-processor (FMU/IOMCU architecture).
As for GPS modules, the Here3+ may not be the best, either, since it is based upon an older uBlox M8P that pales by comparison to the newer Zed-F9P in an RTK GPS application. And there are even higher performance GPS modules available from the likes of Septentrio, Swift, and Emlid. However, we don’t know your project requirements, so it’s impossible to make a clear recommendation.
Rather than continuing to shoot in the dark, it’s best if we simply point you to the following pages:
Autopilot Hardware Options — Copter documentation (ardupilot.org)
GPS/Compass (landing page) — Copter documentation (ardupilot.org)
Look at the specs of the hardware listed, and find something that you think is compatible with your goals. If you have further specific questions, come back and ask.
I expereienced barometer error on cube and consider moving to pixhack. I heard that it reduces vibration values in large copter. but I’m not sure
That has to be some of the strangest logic I’ve heard yet. You suspect a barometer error, so your solution is to use an autopilot with an older processor and identical barometer IC?!
There are good reliable flight controllers available from CUAV and Holybro, apart from the Cube already mentioned by others. It comes down to your exact requirements.
Just buying one with the latest most accurate sensors comes to nothing if you dont get the tuning done exactly right, or you make a mess of the wiring.
If the built in barometer gives you trouble, shield it from prop wash or get an external barometer. If you have an “ordinary” GNSS unit you can improve a number of things at once with a CUAV NEO 3 Pro CAN GPS - it has M9N chipset (not the latest and best, but still good) and a barometer. Using the nice stand it comes with puts the baro up away from the prop wash.
Cannot agree more with you there. It just makes things so much easier. Not that cube are that bad at all just better new without that oddity in them. I have not had much luck with my orange+ but haven’t messed with is since things in the code were imporoved! I have a new holybro and really like it as well as anything from mrobotics i have found to be great.
Don’t get me wrong - the Cubes are excellent, but if you need more flexibility in IO, there are some great alternatives. It all comes down to user needs.
I can also recommend mRo in addition to CubePilot, Holybro, and CUAV. All make high quality components (in addition to some budget options from Holybro).
is pixhack older processor?
I meant cuav X7 series or something.
isnt it pixhack series?
maybe I confused the FC’s name. not the fault of logic
about your recommendations :
tuning was done well and wire is good
but the wind is strong and sometimes wind comes in to enclosed case
I dont know why this article get many hearts sign…
anyway cuav pixhack x7 have more barometer and better sensors
Pixhack is old with an F4, one of their 1st models I believe. Actually there was a F7 version. Still nothing new.
but I wonder why in the some of online shop they call it “cuav pixhack x7”
sometimes I feel you are little bit sarcastic or pessimistic on the forums…
Buy from the official store of the manufacturers, or a trusted reseller
Why wonder. Website: CUAV
And the old V3 is the only one called a Pixhack.