Flight controller with the best performance in terms of sensors that support ArduCopter ( no matter what the price )

Buy from the official store of the manufacturers, or a trusted reseller

← Okay. I found “cuav X7 autopilot” was official name. thank you.

Why wonder. Website: CUAV
And the old V3 is the only one called a Pixhack.

← no, I didnt wonder “cuav”

I wonder “pixhack x7”

some of mall call x7 pixhack.

Those resellers are wrong. Not too surprising in this hobby. Those same outlets are probably still selling APM Flight Controller.

for example, this :

anyway, this is wrong. now I know it.

That’s a good one. The Pixhavk V5

I simply respond directly to the words used.

The Pixhack V5 is exactly the spec that led to my previous comment regarding confused logic.


X7(which have 2 baros) is not called pixhack.

I thought X7 was pixhack series(it looks like V5)

I fly in strong wind area(10m/s) and saw many baro errors on hexa and VTOL

Before you triple your autopilot budget, try shielding the Cube or using an external barometer as mentioned above. A more expensive autopilot may not solve the dynamic pressure problems you’re experiencing.

Also have a look at:
Windspeed Estimation and Baro Compensation — Copter documentation (ardupilot.org)

Though that may be an imperfect solution on a VTOL craft vs a pure multirotor Copter.

Thanks a lot.

this article helped me a lot.

I didnt know there was wind speed and direction mavlink message. it is interesting.

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