Failed to change to loiter mode from stabilize mode - "requires position"

We tried autonomous flight using raspberrypi and dronekit. The sequence is written below (now we do not attach propellers).
Change to stabilize mode, armed, change to loiter mode, take off, hovering, change to guided mode, and land after my quad arrived at our goal.

When we remove ‘change to loiter mode’, the sequence works well.
What is the our problem? What we should do?
Please teach me.

Have checked error code or warning message when swiching from stabilize to loiter? I think it mostly because of GPS issue.

Please check Flight Modes — Copter documentation

Hi @NK_AA ! Is the drone not able to change to loiter and takeoff or is it not switching to Guided after takeoff in loiter? Can you share a log?

Thank you for answering. In the screen of mission planner, we can see ‘GPS: 3D fix’, so we don’t think that it is the GPS issue.
Do you have an idea?

Thank you for answering @snktshrma . We cannot change to loiter mode.
We cannot share our log because of the file size…

Hi @NK_AA! Are there any messages popping up on mission planner? Logs would really help in identifying the issue. You can try turning on log_disarmed parameter and try making a small log file where you try to switch to Loiter mode.

Thank you for your advice.
I will try to make a small file.
In mission planner, we saw this message below.

2024/07/14 15:37:00 : Mode change to LOITER failed: requires position
2024/07/14 15:36:58 : Mode change to LOITER failed: requires position
2024/07/14 15:36:56 : Mode change to LOITER failed: requires position
2024/07/14 15:36:56 : Mode change to LOITER failed: requires position
2024/07/14 15:29:26 : Mode change to LOITER failed: requires position
2024/07/14 15:23:02 : Mode change to LOITER failed: requires position
2024/07/14 15:11:28 : Frame: QUAD/X
2024/07/14 15:11:28 : IMU0: fast sampling enabled 8.0kHz/1.0kHz
2024/07/14 15:11:28 : RCOut: PWM:1-14
2024/07/14 15:11:28 : IOMCU: 420 1001 411FC231
2024/07/14 15:11:28 : Pixhawk1 001E002A 34325108 32323938
2024/07/14 15:11:28 : ChibiOS: 8fc176ac
2024/07/14 15:11:28 : ArduCopter V4.6.0-dev (1d945cc5)
2024/07/14 15:11:28 : Frame: QUAD/X
2024/07/14 15:11:28 : IMU0: fast sampling enabled 8.0kHz/1.0kHz
2024/07/14 15:11:28 : RCOut: PWM:1-14
2024/07/14 15:11:28 : IOMCU: 420 1001 411FC231
2024/07/14 15:11:28 : Pixhawk1 001E002A 34325108 32323938
2024/07/14 15:11:28 : ChibiOS: 8fc176ac
2024/07/14 15:11:28 : ArduCopter V4.6.0-dev (1d945cc5)
2024/07/14 15:11:28 : Frame: QUAD/X
2024/07/14 15:11:28 : IMU0: fast sampling enabled 8.0kHz/1.0kHz
2024/07/14 15:11:28 : RCOut: PWM:1-14
2024/07/14 15:11:28 : IOMCU: 420 1001 411FC231
2024/07/14 15:11:28 : Pixhawk1 001E002A 34325108 32323938
2024/07/14 15:11:28 : ChibiOS: 8fc176ac
2024/07/14 15:11:28 : ArduCopter V4.6.0-dev (1d945cc5)

@NK_AA It’s a possibility that GPS HDOP is high and both, loiter and guided, needs HDOP lower than 2. But ya as soon as you send the log, it’ll be more clear.

For security reasons at my current location, I cannot send the entire file.
What information should I send you?
I think that pos_horiz_abs Off in EKF Staus Flags has something to do with this problem.

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Find a place without security issue, and then attach the log file.

Or as @amilcarlucas says, it will be on your own. And it’s an opensource anyway.

Thank you for your comment.
We are making this quadcopter for development in our university, so we don’t use in a conflict.

I checked my logs. HDOP was about 1.8.

I have the same problem, the error I see is “Prearm: Need position estimate”, I read different solutions but I have no answer since I have done everything they tell me but without a good result, in the EKF it shows me the same error which is “pos_horiz_abs Off”, do you know how I can solve it? I also manage in GUIDED mode