Edge Tx and Yaapu

For non CRSF users here’s another lesson I learned today:

When you upgrade to EdgeTX2.8 and Yaapu 2.0 you will also need to update your multi-protocol module. I updated a radio that had an older firmware on the multi-protocol module and there was no telemetry data on FrSky D16 drones. Once I updated the 4-in-1 module to the telemetry worked again.


Aha. So that may be my issue.

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Indeed, the price you pay for bleeding edge is the pain associated with updates. I love ExpressLRS and am unlikely to use any other protocol anytime soon. But I’m keenly aware of the hassle required if/when I choose to update RC firmware.


Problem solved! I did not realized that EdgeTx screen has scroll down has multiple Yaapu Debug lua scripts. I was pressing Yaapu Debug, when I should have scroll down to the Yaapu Debug CRSF.
Typical user error.


Excellent! I have struggled a bit with the combination of Ardupilot, EdgeTx, CRSF and Yaapu also but once it’s worked out it’s awesome! I


Anyone else notice this one:

When I switch models the Yaapu script seems to stall. I get the message that it’s “ready” but the screen gets stuck on “initializing”. The only way to clear the issue is if I power cycle the radio. Once it’s running however there doesn’t seem to be an issue. I’ve also tried to reset the flight and all the timers, but no luck.

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I have upgraded from 2.6.0 to 2.8.0 edgetx and six of my sensor coming from passthrough freezes randomly
VFAS ARM GALT THR etc freeze down even with new 2.8.0 stable edge tx…i dont have this problem with 2.6 or 2.7
Previously reported issue

Tx16s mk2 + TBS crossfire 6.19
Arduplane 4.4 dev /Matek fc f405 wing
Yaapu lua also installed 1.96 dev version with crsf enabled

Any idea?

Update to Yaapu 2.0 or later


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Ok…thanks…thats my final chance …i will do :wink:

On my Radiomaster TX16S, I’m running 2.8 and have downloaded yaapu 2.0 but can’t get it to work (No telemetry)

The model has Pixhawk 2.4.8 (clone) on latest plane firmware.
I’m also using Siyi FM30 External module.

Is there a chance someone has it working with similar hardware as mine so I can get an idea what settings I should have to get it working please?

Im using yaapu script (2.0.0beta2 dev)with tx16s on Edge Tx 2.8.0. I ve experinced that the script sometines stuck in the initialization. I had to go into widget setup to start it loading.
FW arduplane 4.4 dev
Found this post about similar issue here: Yaapu telemetry repeat initialization

Yaapu stuck in initializing - YouTube


I’m using Radiomaster TX16s running EdgeTX 2.8.1 . I want to run yaapu telemetry scripts but when I try to do it , I get this. Some of the screen didn’t show any image at all. Can somebody help me with this?

I use FrskyTelemetryScript-dev.

Try this version: https://github.com/yaapu/FrskyTelemetryScript/archive/master.zip

What type of receiver are you using and how do you have it connected?