@losawing @lorbass @Leonardthall well, my third TVBS is flying pretty well (S-800 SkyShadow TVBS) but exhibits the exact same ~1Hz roll oscillation in forward flight…its there also in pitch sometimes but since that axis is inherently stable its not very big…its not there in manual mode, only stabilized modes…Pete Hall (@iampete) and I have been trying to figure what is causing this in three different platforms with three different power systems, flight controllers, etc.
We have eliminated Vibration (vibs are low),IMU aliasing (its there in glides), rudder param coupling (it has none), fwdgain to tilts params, loop rate, servo auto trim and have run out of ideas…the bigger heavier C1 manifests it the least, the z-84 and S-800 small wings the most with 4-6 degree 1Hz oscillation…have manually tuned and autotuned with it present throughout either process…these same platforms have flown with AP as normal planes several months ago and were rock solid in roll…its not big, but very noticeable in FPV footage and extremely annoying…
anyone else seen this? anyone have any ideas on what it could be?