Cube Orange Power 2 (Battery Monitor_2) Aux pin

I used Cube Orange and Mauch 031:PDB. and I want to use 2 Batt.
I have 3 question

  1. How Mauch 031 operate when 2 batt?
    Mauch 031 has 2 channel. so can use 2 batt. are they independent or parallel?
    if they are parallel( on manual mauch 031 have hub.), why use 2 power port for FC?

  2. What is different using dual Power.
    Cube Orange has 2 power port. and mauch 031 can use 2 power cable for FC.
    In the Image of manual, Power2 used 1,2,5,6 pins(+ + - -) and the sens(voltage, current) is connect
    with AUX pin. but Power 2 has sens pin. why do that? and when i use battery monitor 1 and 2.
    I want know all of batt’s voltage and current. Is it possible?

  3. If all clear about hardware. (PDB ok, FC pin ok). Which part of the parameters should I modify?
    ex . RC10_option, BATT2_CURR_PIN, BATT2_VOLT_PIN like this.

I know this sounds strange because I don’t know much about this field. However, if you have any other advice or experience with Mauch 031 or battery_monitor2, please let me know. thanks.


It is the connecting image