Copter-4.5.0 released!

Hi Randy,
I dont think it’s really an issue with 4.5.0, probably that 4.5.0 boots up quicker to the CAN interrogation stage, or just luck that it worked ok in an earlier version.
Maybe we could more generally recommend BRD_BOOT_DELAY,3000 when CAN devices are involved.
There is no down-side to having it set.

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this could be related to the different behaviour of Pixhawk6C and 6X vs CubeOrange with regards to when power is enabled to the various peripheral buses
this function:

we could change these:

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Could this be related? I am trying to set up MNT1_DFLT_MODE = Sysid Target (5), with 4.5.1 on a CubeRed with a SiYI A8 Mini. I’m sure I had it working before on one of the 4.5.0 beta versions, but now the gimbal won’t track the MNT1_SYSID_DFLT vehicle.

Hi @timtuxworth,

There haven’t been many changes in the mount library during the beta period but if you’ve got a log I can have a look. The most common issue I’ve seen with tracking a position is that the EKF doesn’t have a good position estimate. Before there is a good position estimate, there’s no warning that the mount can’t track a point, it simply refuses to move. I have considered adding a warning when the user puts the mount into a mode requiring GPS so that it spits out a warning that it can’t move yet.

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I’ll try again and try to get logs on both vehicles. Thanks Randy.

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Hi @timtuxworth,

Thinking about this more, the issue you’re seeing where the gimbal is not tracking the sysid could be related to the Mount’s RC_TARGETING change because it could be seeing RC input changes at startup and changing the mount to RC_TARGETING mode essentially immediately overwriting the default mode setting.

I was going to suggest that you use MP’s Action tab to change the mount’s mode to SYSID directly and if it starts moving then you know it was not in SYSID mode but sadly MP’s drop-down doesn’t have SYSID. Maybe you could raise a mission planner issue to add this to the drop-down?

Thanks Randy sounds like something I can try on the bench. I’ll give it a go. Could you point me to where I can find this in the code? I can try putting some debug messages in there just to figure out what is happening.

Hi @timtuxworth,

To debug this it might be good to stick messages in these functions:

I think we probably need to add an last_rc_input.initialised boolean to the class and then use it to set the last_rc_input.roll_in, etc the first time we get rc input.

I’m about 90% sure that you’ve found a bug. thanks for that!

EDIT: do you want me to raise a PR to add this boolean and init? I suspect you could do it yourself but no pressure either way.

Hi Randy - you were onto something. RC was basically overriding the default as soon as it came up. So it was a bit random depending on whether the RC came up first or the camera came up first. Here’s my PR that fixes it. I didn’t think of a boolean, so did this before I saw your comment. I could change it if you prefer.

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@Prof_Leandro @xfacta,

Re the Hereflow startup issue and the need for the BRD_BOOT_DELAY=3000, we’ve reproduced the problem and we’ve got a fix here.

This needs to be peer reviewed but hopefully it will be included in the next beta (4.5.2-beta1). Thanks again for the report and special thanks to @xfacta for finding the work around which led to the fix.

Dear @rmackay9
With 4.5.1 loaded and with a SIYI A8 Tested, all controlls seam to work with all the aux functions tested. But i cant find any messages in telemetry even with Mavlink inspector for CAMERA_FOV_STATUS

Only gimball information with angular velocities.

In previews itterations, we used your Script mount-poi.lua to extract the crossing coordinates that camera looks. But given that now is included in the mavlink stream, we can easily forward these messages.

Is the above statement true? Do we still need to upload the applet Lua?? Do we need to wait for GCS’s to be updated to consume these messages?


Hello @rmackay9 i wanted to reach out to see if you had a chance to test the S1 rplidar sensor ? Support is appreciated with this ! Thank you

Hi @Aki_Kalantri,

I have not tested the S1 but hopefully within a week or so after my main sponsor sends me their S1 testing unit. By the way, this Rover user has been using it successfully.


We found a slight issue in the RC_TARGETING change which is fixed by this PR that will be included in 4.5.2-beta1 in about a week. It’s not completely clear to me how it could be related but maybe.

Hi, thanks for this update. I have a strange behavior with it : As soon as I bank it for more than 90 degrees I have an internal error 0x100000 followed by this message : Internal errors 0x100000 l:57 flow_of_ctrl. Can reproduce it every time. AHRS orientation is Pitch90 and accels have been calibrated after AHRS orientation parameter set.
Video :

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Hi @alex78,

Thanks for the report. I’ve added this to our 4.5.x issues list so it won’t be forgotten.

This is the line in our landing detector code that is causing the internal error. At the risk of appearing to minimise the problem, I don’t think that it is actually that dangerous. This is not an error in AP’s attitude estimator or control libraries. This is a case that we think should not happen (but clearly it does) when the vehicle is trying to determine if it is flying or not.

It is a bug though and appears scary so we will fix it of course.

Thanks for your reply. Maybe it is not a bug because in this particular case I do not use Arducopter under “normal” conditions… Here my FC is mounted in a Rocket nose and do not have any ESC nor motors attached. I just want it to record logs and stabilize the rocket with controlled fins. As there is no Vectored Rocket Ardupilot Branch for the moment (why not in the futur :yum:) I used Copter and it should explain why this particular situation (model tilted more than 90 degrees with no lift) may never happens in real life with “true” copters.

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Thanks for the feedback. It’s definitely a bug so we will fix it and it’s good to have a way to reproduce it.

Re supporting rockets, we’ve talked about it in the past but the “dual use” nature of rockets means it is not area that many devs are comfortable getting involved in.

Hello, do you have some solution?
Maybe I could help you with tests?
I have speedybee f405 v4 and vtx rush tank solo 2.5.

I have the VTX now, just need time to test …

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