RPLidar S1 erratic distances

Actually, I need to ask you one more thing.
I previously created a post to discuss the issue of ordinary GPS drift (non RTK). The advice from others is to replace it with a better GPS (not RTK). But I remain skeptical about this.
I think GPS drift may not be resolved through software. However, for rovers, a drift of 5-10m is unacceptable. For example, when it is driving on a road, a 10m drift will cause it to directly locate outside the road.
I have read a lot of explanations about dual GPS and am trying to solve this problem through dual GPS. But I think it may fail because dual GPS is only used as a backup. It’s not about fusing or correcting signals.
Do you have any better methods or suggestions for this? (Not considering RTK)

Hi @Fayeli,

5 to 10m of position error from the GPS sounds quite high. It does depend upon where you are in the world and what GPS you’re using but I think with a modern Ublox F9P GPS you should be able to get that down to 1m to 2m fairly easily. It’s also possible that something on the vehicle is causing interference at the 1.5Ghz that GPSs use so perhaps try temporarily removing all radios, companion computer, etc from the vehicle and re-test the GPS accuracy.

AP does support GPS blending which could lead to a more accurate GPS position than either GPS can provide.

Today, the lidar function was tested under brlight sunlight. Unfortunately, I tested the SCHED-LOOP_DATE from 50-100-200 and did not achieve the expected stable effect (better than before, but the radar image still continuously detects false obstacles and causes the ROVER to constantly retreat and avoid obstacles).
During this period, there was a disconnection of lidar (the Rudis diagram shows a distance of 13 meters from the left, front, and right angles, and these three red arcs did not jump. The obstacle avoidance function failed, and the MP ground station did not have a BAD LIDAR HEALTH prompt). After restarting, it returned to normal.

what I mean is this post.
The phenomenon is as follows: after the rover completes driving along the planned path (a rectangle with 4 waypoints) and returns to the starting point (keep arming, keep power on). After waiting for 10 minutes I drove again along the same planned path and I saw that the four actual waypoints of the vehicle had shifted in one direction by 5-10 meters(Rectangle drift as a whole, with no change in the angles of the four corners of the rectangle)by my eyes. But Mission Planner shows the path points of the vehicle’s movement are still the same, without any drift or shifted. Sometimes after 5 or 10 minutes when driving the same path again.The actual driving trajectory of the rover will return to the original correct path(back to the first time path)

Hi @Fayeli,

We need to separate communication issues from the Lidar’s inability to work outdoors well.

Any chance you could just test indoors and confirm that the distances are correct? From a driver point of view, it doesn’t matter if the lidar is indoors or outdoors. We just need to be sure that the data is being transmitted correctly.

I think you confirmed that it did work indoors a couple of days ago. During those tests what was the SCHED_LOOP_RATE set to?

BTW, make sure to reboot the autopilot after changing the SCHED_LOOP_RATE parameter.

There is no GPS signal indoors and testing cannot be conducted in AUTO mode. However, I have tested it in manual mode and the indoor radar display is normal There is no difference when SCHED-LOOP_DATE is set to 50-100-200 indoors, and the radar image displayed on Rudias is normal. The three red arcs did not jump.
And im sure I rebooted the autopilot after changing the SCHED_LOOP_RATE parameter.

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I continued my outdoor testing today (cloudy with no strong sunlight) and also conducted indoor testing (completely without sunlight)
The radius diagram is completely abnormal both indoors and outdoors, becoming the same as before, with the red arc constantly jumping (identifying false obstacles). Then I took off the S1 lidar and connected it to the manufacturer’s Slamtec RoboStudio software for inspection. The scanned images were completely normal and the device properties were displayed normally.
I completely cannot understand what the problem is. I did not modify the parameters, the SCHED-LOOP_DATE value is 200

Hi @Fayeli,

Thanks again for your testing.

It’s odd that during your testing some days it seems to work and others it does not…

… anyway, I have an S1 that will hopefully be delivered next week and I will test as well. I don’t think we can make any further progress until then.

Thank you very much and looking forward to your testing. Could you please let me know the results here after the testing is completed.

Please pay attention to the changes in test results caused by different radar installation environments (I suggest you can find two white and black cardboard boxes with LIDAR inside each, with only one opening. To test whether different colored installation environments will cause changes in test results)

Hello @Fayeli can I request if you could please share what parameters you used to get the S1 lidar working and how did you connect the sensor to the flight controller?
S1 lidar is not responding and giving me PRX1 no sensor error.

My plans to borrow an S1 have fallen through so I’m asking AP to fund one so we can resolve these issues. The proposal is here.

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the same setting as RPLIDAR A2.you can find it herehttps://ardupilot.org/rover/docs/common-rplidar-a2.html#common-rplidar-a2

Hello @Fayeli unfortunately, I am having issues with PRX1 no data still after following the manual there, how are your physical connections? are you doing 5v and ground from the telem 1 port and external supply? or just external?
Also are you grounding it on telem1 port?

Appreciate your support with this!

Thank you, @rmackay9 unsure if this is helpful but I can try to support remote diagnosis if feasible.

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sorry to hear that.maybe you can try to ask Slamtec to sent you an sample?I already gave up about lidar.
BTW,is there any way to have a auto switch that to open a loudspeaker or a flash light if rover’s proximity sensor detects an obstacle(anything in AVOID_MARGIN distance) as a warning.

For example, some curious babies surround ROVER to watch, or someone may not notice ROVER is approaching

try to check the Baud rate if your lidar in working(you can hear the vioce from lidar’s motor).
5v and ground from the telem 1 port or external supply just depend on your autopliot hardware.It cannot be generalized

Hi @Fayeli,

There’s no feature by default to flash a light or play a sound when an obstacle is close so the most I can suggest is to try and do it using a Lua script. If you’re up for a little Lua coding here are some examples that might help:

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Hello @Fayeli I tried the using the different baud rates on pixhawk, I am using a cube orange. what baud rate did it work for you on your CUAV?


I followed the manual online and its not detecting it. This is what its showing for Rover @rmackay9 @Fayeli

@rmackay9 do you think it could be because of the hardware I am using? I am using cube orange (not the plus), with the pixhawk board and 4.5.1 software.