We’ve just released Copter-3.6.8-rc1 for beta testing. This is a critical release to address issues with IMU failures especially those occurring on Hex Cubes (bulletin from Proficnc/Hex)
The changes vs 3.6.7 are here in the ReleaseNotes and also copied below:
Safety fixes
a) Prevent loss of active IMU from causing loss of attitude control
b) Added startup check for Hex CubeBlack sensor failure
c) don’t reset INS_ENABLE_MASK based on found IMUs
We plan to shorten the beta period to be quite short (24hrs perhaps) so any beta testing that people can do is greatly appreciated. For most users you should notice absolutely no difference from 3.6.7.
I’ve given this a quick test myself on my IRIS (which has an old 3DR pixhawk in it) and of course, didn’t notice any differences from 3.6.7. Any other feedback from others would be greatly appreciated!
Tested the fix. No issues
Flew for around 12-15 mins ( 3 flights).
Hovered for a while and also gave some quick rolls and yaw.
PS: prop came of due to a mechanical failure ( not a firmware issue, saw the prop flying away )