Copter-3.6.2 released!

Landing gear working…

CH7 & CH8 greyed: Same problem here

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Check the installed firmware version. In version 3.7-dev, changed the names of these variables.

I was able to install ChibiOS: ff603d11
ArduCopter V3.6.2 (25f72536) and MP channels show now.

… or try updating the MP from the Help screen. At the bottom there is a “Check For Updates” button.

Try updating 3.6.2 to my PixRacer but encounter “Board not supported” error

I need this update so as to resolve the TFMini sensors i was implementing for faster detection refresh rate.

Any clue ?



I suspect this is a mission planner issue so could you try reporting this in the mission planner issues list? Worst case you can download the firmware directly from the site and then use the “Load custom firmware” link.

It might be a good idea to try and update the MP (Help >> Check for updates) if that hasn’t been done recently.

Oh, thanks, will try all your recommendations.

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Hi all

I wanted to thank all the Ardupilot developers and the most visible face of this project rmackay9

Today I have flown the arducoper version 3.6.2,the new Loiter mode is wonderful, it runs more and is more agile,and what to say the smartRTL is very good

In what if you have to keep improving is the TF-mini Lidar, in flights in exterior happening the 6 meters of height, the precision fails

Thank you for making me laugh and hallucinate like a child.

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Why in firmware 3.6.2. disappeared smartrtl mode? In firmware 3.6.0 it was.

It has not disappeared.

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Turns out if you get the firmware from the latest directory and not the beta directory you will see the error
. Also mRo 2.1 FC will not automatically load the beta firmware using Mission P the com port just waits. I needed to download the FW to the drive and then load it directly to the FC.


It’s probably to do with the version of Mission Planner being used. Maybe try updating it from the Help screen?

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@Quadzilla, OK, thanks for the report. It’s all MP stuff I’m afraid so perhaps raise an issue in the MP issues list?

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quick note arming with the radio but no switch does not give negative tone warning…

mission planner 1.3.59, 1.3.60, 1.3.61.
Spectrum DX9 CUAV pixhack v3 ArduCopter V3.6.2 and V3.6.3
Spectrum Satellite receiver,and ORANGE R920 receiver with Satellite receiver

1,when i use the ppm rc in,that’s ok,every channel is right.
2,but when i use spectrum satellite receiver,the channel is wrong,and the pwm value that from1st to 9th channel will be bouncing,one channel by one channel,
3,ORANGE R920 receiver (with sbus), unusual condition same with use spectrum satellite receiver。

and I test my radio ,without pixhawk or pixhack, direct connect the receiver and Servo,that‘s ok。
so,I feel very confused。I don‘t know why and I don’t know how revise some parameters that will be fix this mistake。

but mission planner 1.3.56, it’s ok,only have a small problem,when I use ORANGE R920 receiver (with sbus),sbus-RCIN, channel 13th bouncing.

maybe still have some bug with Spectrum .

could you give me some advice that way to fix this problem?
Thanks for the help``

Just for information - using Spektrum SPM4649T and DX8, starting with version 3.6.2 control works fine.

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I dont know why,use MP-old version 1.3.56,same tx&rx ,works OK。

+1 have same problem. i try to update or reinstall MP but nothing! then i take other PC and everything ok


Could you try updating to the latest version of MP? Help >> Check for Updates.