Copter-3.6.0-rc11 available for beta testing

So what happened between the time you flashed the firmware to the flight controller and the time you lost the ability to connect Mission Planner to the flight controller?

And, what is the EXACT VERBATIM error message>


Some things that may help:

  • Update the MP (look on the Help screen at the bottom for an “Update” button)
  • It may also help to move to the beta mission planner (there’s an Update beta button on the Help screen)
  • Reinstall the mission planner

oldgazer1 , there is no message error, because there is no port to connect, as i said before windows does not find the adequate driver, under Linux with mono, no problem.
the Pixhawk is seen as ardupilot fmuV2.Some guy succeded to find a driver in ChibiStudio , but i don’t know how he did it.

rmackay, thanks but it did not help, if the correct driver is not included, the device manager shows fmuv2 with exclamation mark,means driver problem.
After reinstalling the latest version , when i plug in the pixhawk, windows says fmuv2 Xno driver found.