HI, I had a new flight with a bit lower PIDs, and less oscillation. I have a pixracer.
In altitude hold, was not holding altitude well.
In loiter, the copter produced a periodic roll or pitch in a direction. I’ve never seen this before.
Do you have any advice? Attached my logs.
@rmackay9 Thanks for advice. this time the copter wasnt moving after powerup, for sure.
the first Loiter part looks really interesting… Since there is a similar behavior in ATT as well as the MAG I am wondering if you performed a CompassMot?
Hi, I just finished a small testing with 3.4.-rc5. (take off in stab, switch althold, try stay at one place, land)
I had a bit of a problem with altitude hold, the copter was drifting up and down about ±1 meter, with small jumps.
I had a bit of fast vibrations, mostly with full batteries. Accidentally messed up my PIDs with MP PID-sliders and overwritten good-old config file a few days ago. So this may be caused by the oscillation, i dont know.
At least it was not skyrocketing and had no issues with the compass/ekf/ahrs.
Please note my hover throttle is set to the minimum 0.25, but its should be 0.2. 2016-09-15 18-49-52.zip (2.7 MB)
Hi, arrived from the todays test.
I cleared compassmot parameters, recalibrated accel and compasses.
MP failed to calibrate my compasses. somehow resulted in a 0 error for all the values, multiple times. After the next reboot i got compass not calibrated.
with onboard compass calib, it went fine.
this time althold and loiter behaved somewhat better than yesterday. Although saw some messages about switching compasses and ekf. Altitude hold still was not stable, drifted up/down.
At the 2nd flight i crashed 2 props due to a failed maneuver.
I have it inside an aluminium box, from a clone kit. But the board is from auav. It has a foam on the baro inside.
I had a stable altitude hold somewhere around rc2/rc3.
I’m having similar issues with my 3.4RC5 Pixhawk. None of these issues were present in my previous version (3.4RC1)
Accel calibrations were re-made. After arming and taking off, it starts to roll mostly left, I land it and then the accelerometer (Attitude Indicator), is tilted with a 10~15° bank.
Then, I disarm, and it levels again. I take off, and it is still tilted.