
I want so set the parameter for Autotuning and regarding the documentation there should be a parameter for the axes I want to tune.
I’m using Mission Planner 1.3.75 and ArduPlane V4.3.7 but I can not find the “AUTOTUNE_AXES” parameter in the parameter list.
Was there any change or do you know why I can’t find the parameter?
Complete Parameter List — Copter documentation (


Automatic Tuning with AUTOTUNE — Plane documentation (

Update Mission Planner and Arduplane to current Stable versions and it’s where it should be:


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He might be using a stripped down ArduPlane FW without autotune feature?

Well he does not explain which FC he uses, so that is only speculation.

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Thanks for your advices, I’m using the Pixhawk 6x