Cannot get my drone in air (dead battery, no tune)

Posted above.

Identify the log and make it available.



This is of another flight:

From 14:56:47 to 14:56:48 there was an increase in altitude and in the RCin from 14:56:47 to 14:56:48 there was no significant throttle input given.

Here’s a better look:

Log 35

In log 33 it increased altitude because of a failsafe condition and it was no longer in Stabilize.

And log 35 is a shit show of mode changes:

Don’t bother posting log graphs. As I said before anyone that is willing to help you will ignore them and graph them for themselves to see what’s actually going on.

Another waste of time. Start at the top of the Tuning Blog and work your way though.

But sir the failsafe was set to land then how come it gained altitude?

I’m done, 10 months of this is enough.

What wrong did I ask now dave? You earlier explained RTL to me, that it triggered and then it gained altitude. But thsi time Failsafe was set to Land, isn’t it supposed to only land so am I asking the wrong question or anything you have already told?

Hi @dkemxr ,
Did these,

Better stabilty, no flyoffs, no going out of control. Got rid of the tether. But still had to keep up with the sticks a bit. Also configuired Motor emergency stop. Posting Log and the video below. Just a small thing, in the Last I got a “Bad Battery” error and it landed on its own, after landing I checked the battery, it was 11.2. But my Critical Battery Voltage is set to 10.5 which is set to land, and my low battery is set to 10.8 which is set to no failsafe.
Apologies for earlier things.

Are you aware of battery voltage sag? During the flight the voltage of the battery sags due to high current demands from your drone, but after you stop pulling current, the voltage will recover and rise again a bit. What you have been measuring after the flight was the resting voltage (or close to it), which ArduPilot is actually able to calculate in realtime while flying.


Since you have BATT_FS_VOLTSRC = 0, the raw (red) voltage value is used to determine if a failsafe should be activated. If you set BATT_FS_VOLTSRC = 1, the sag compensated (green) voltage value will be used.

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Oh, okay, So should I set it to the sag compensated voltage? I mean which one should be used for failsafe. Also, you see my BATT_CRT_VOLT is set to 10.5 and BATT_FS_CRT_ACT is set to LAND so why after a minute it triggered CRT voltage failsafe.

The graph shows the dip hits 10.5 several times before it triggered FS.

Also if your drone is now flying a little better as before you still have battery / power problems from the beginnig. One of your batteries is gone and the root cause is still not analysed.
Some sagging is normal as Janno shows but it might be good if you really know if this is in limit or not.

Right, but is there still sagging with this new battery?

I cannot see wich battery you are when using. This information must come from yourside, always.
Did you calibrate your power module as I think Dave described somewhere before?
The last log file I saw that your system goes after 30sec to battery FS with just 74mAh used.
I think this is not normal on a 2200mAh battery which I think ou are using.

As I mentioned sir, I now have a new battery,

Yes I did with the voltmeter. But I’m still to do the current calibration which I am finding difficult to without a watt meter.

Do you mean the system triggers failsafe after 30 seconds?
And how to check for the same which you are mentioning, I am in Bat>CurrTot.

And @Juergen-Fahlbusch sir kindly explain this if you understand

I week ago you discussed with Dave the calibration of your Power Mudule / battery. So go back to this part of this thread and check again.
As you have a reasonable power module you don’t need a extra wattmeter.
Send details (manufacturer, brand, link to manual and specifications of your power module)
I checked your 00000050.bin file. This shows:
2024-03-09 11:58:36.506 Log starts
2024-03-09 11:59:19.561 ARM ArmState 1
2024-03-09 11:59:49.660 Battery 1 is low 10.74V used 74 mAh
2024-03-09 11:59:49.660 Battery Failsafe
So the failsafe issue was just 30secs after arming.
Was the battery fully loaded before?
Was it the last 2200mAh battery with 80C value?
So either your FC - Batt monitor is not setup correct as Dave explained you or the battery is garbage
Did you follwed all steps, I mean really each single step in the shown sequence, of the tuning guide?
If you have a problem of understandig some of the steps, you can ask for it, I don’t think that this is a problem here. But if you did something wrong or you skipped some steps while you ar not understanding these steps it might be a problem.

The good thing. I am learning more and more to read (and interpret) logs with mission planner without still having an own Ardupilot compatible FC. :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

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No sir, I did not miss anything exept the current calibration. My power module is this:

This is the Description of the same:
Input voltage: 6~30V (2~8S)
Output voltage: 5.3V ± 0.1V
Maximum output current: 3A
Maximum current: 90A
Maximum voltage: 30V
6P cable can be directly connected to APM/Pixhawk flight control
Additional 4P rows of pin-free to wire/PIN to connect to another flight control
Dimensions: 25mm x 21mm x 9mm
Weight: 17g (containing all the wire/plug is not included)

Yes the battery was fully charged, and yes the battery is 2200 mah, 80C(Not sure).
I just couldn’t understand 2 things,
1st Why on Land Failsafe why would it increase altitude on its own.
2nd Even when the graph shows the dip hits 10.5 several times before it triggered FS. Why after 30 seconds it triggered failsafe?

Showing the picture is fine but helpless.
Also your summary of specification is fine but not what I wanted.
Manufacturer / Brand / Manual
Exact description of all pins of the connector as on this is giveb the information the FC used to determine the voltage and current.
Also I don’t think, that you really read all information. Otherwise you would know that you can change the timelimit how long the FC waits until it triggers failsafe after it reach the low voltage value. This is that not some single pulses directly will trigger the failsafe. How your drone act after FS triggered is also defined by some settings. These I don’t have checked.