Building a mini drone use ESP32

@Riebers do you have solved ?

@Leon90 i try now to modify default firmware ESP32buzz.h and i want add MPU6050.
Wich code i must add ?

#define HAL_INS_MPU6050_BUS 0
#define HAL_INS_MPU6050_ADDR (0x68)

SDA itā€™s ok in IO 26 and SCL in IO 27 ?

you can find those define in ESP32buzz.h:

1.this is the i2c bus define(it means only one i2c bus 0 on gpio 12, 13):

//I2C bus list
#define HAL_ESP32_I2C_BUSES
{.port=I2C_NUM_0, .sda=GPIO_NUM_13, .scl=GPIO_NUM_12, .speed=400*KHZ, .internal=true}

2.if you want to add a mpu6050, just add this(it means a mpu6050 on i2c bus 0 with yaw rotation of 270 degree):

// IMU probing:
#define HAL_INS_PROBE_LIST PROBE_IMU_I2C(Invensensev2, 0, 0x68, ROTATION_YAW_270)

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@Leon90 i have problem with Compass.
In particular i have ā€œBad Compass Healtā€
I have test with Arduino and address is 0x0D.
I have this code:

#define HAL_COMPASS_QMC5883L_I2C_ADDR 0x0D

#define HAL_INS_PROBE_LIST PROBE_IMU_I2C(Invensense, 0, 0x68, ROTATION_NONE)
PROBE_MAG_I2C(QMC5883L, 0, 0x0D, 0, ROTATION_YAW_270)
#define HAL_INS_MPU6050_NAME ā€œmpu6050ā€

//I2C Buses
#define HAL_ESP32_I2C_BUSES {.port=I2C_NUM_0, .sda=GPIO_NUM_21, .scl=GPIO_NUM_22, .speed=400KHZ, .internal=true},
{.port=I2C_NUM_1, .sda=GPIO_NUM_18, .scl=GPIO_NUM_19, .speed=400
KHZ, .internal=true}

MPU work fine, but compass not work.
MPU6050 = SDA in GPIO21 and SCL in GPIO22
COMPASS QMC5883L = SDA is in GPIO18 and SCL GPIO19

hi can you send me the compiled firmware

Hi! @Leon90 is an excellent project. If you have compiled firmware for a rover/boat?

could you mail me the above compiled files

@skimans With this message I think that the compass driver is work well, but there something makes the magnetic field in a bad conditions or you have put the compass in the wrong direction.

@Mutaz_Younis, I have Email your one piece of my firmware.

@McKey , now I have no time to work and try the firmware for a rover/boat, and I think if the firmware of copter is work well so the rover/boat must be better, because the scheduler of plane/rover/boat is slower than copter, this can help so much.

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Hi thanks for the firmware but iam running through some issues building the drone this is part of a university graduating project so please if you have time hit me up on discord i will send you my user name on email cause i am really in need of assistance @Leon90

@Leon90 excelent job, I would like learn more about your project:

Hola me gusta mucho la idea , muy buen trabajo podriais compartir el firmware para poder probar y contribuir en la medida de lo posible ??

Hello @Leon90 , thank you for showing us your copter and project, it is really impressive that you have it working and that too flawless.

I have followed the steps on Ardupilot github and compiled my esp32buzz files, after flashing them to my ESP32 DevKit 1 board, i was able to see below lines in my terminal.


configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee


mode:DIO, clock div:1




entry 0x40080664

e[0;32mI (678) cpu_start: Pro cpu up.e[0m

e[0;32mI (678) cpu_start: Application information:e[0m

e[0;32mI (678) cpu_start: ELF file SHA256: 24b9ee33934dfed2ā€¦e[0m

e[0;32mI (681) cpu_start: ESP-IDF: v4.2.5-1-g5f8de192fae[0m

e[0;32mI (688) cpu_start: Starting app cpu, entry point is 0x40081c30e[0m

e[0;32mI (0) cpu_start: App cpu up.e[0m

e[0;32mI (698) heap_init: Initializing. RAM available for dynamic allocation:e[0m

e[0;32mI (705) heap_init: At 3FFAE6E0 len 00001920 (6 KiB): DRAMe[0m

e[0;32mI (711) heap_init: At 3FFC8E68 len 00017198 (92 KiB): DRAMe[0m

e[0;32mI (717) heap_init: At 3FFE0440 len 00003AE0 (14 KiB): D/IRAMe[0m

e[0;32mI (723) heap_init: At 3FFE4350 len 0001BCB0 (111 KiB): D/IRAMe[0m

e[0;32mI (730) heap_init: At 400954D8 len 0000AB28 (42 KiB): IRAMe[0m

e[0;32mI (736) cpu_start: Pro cpu start user codee[0m

e[0;32mI (757) spi_flash: detected chip: generice[0m

e[0;32mI (758) spi_flash: flash io: qioe[0m

e[0;32mI (758) esp_core_dump_uart: Init core dump to UARTeVļæ½Mounting sd

e[0;32mI (775) SDā€¦: Initializing SD card as SDMMCe[0m

I (931) wifi:wifi driver task: 3ffda2e4, prio:23, stack:6656, core=0

e[0;32mI (931) system_api: Base MAC address is not sete[0m

e[0;32mI (931) system_api: read default base MAC address from EFUSEe[0m

I (937) wifi:wifi firmware version: 764a07b

I (941) wifi:wifi certification version: v7.0

I (945) wifi:config NVS flash: disabled

I (949) wifi:config nano formating: disabled

I (953) wifi:Init data frame dynamic rx buffer num: 16

I (957) wifi:Init management frame dynamic rx buffer num: 16

I (963) wifi:Init management short buffer num: 32

I (967) wifi:Init dynamic tx buffer num: 16

I (971) wifi:Init static rx buffer size: 1600

I (975) wifi:Init static rx buffer num: 2

I (979) wifi:Init dynamic rx buffer num: 16

e[0;32mI (983) wifi_init: tcpip mbox: 32e[0m

e[0;32mI (987) wifi_init: udp mbox: 6e[0m

e[0;32mI (991) wifi_init: tcp mbox: 6e[0m

e[0;32mI (995) wifi_init: tcp tx win: 5744e[0m

e[0;32mI (999) wifi_init: tcp rx win: 5744e[0m

e[0;32mI (1003) wifi_init: tcp mss: 1436e[0m

e[0;32mI (1007) wifi_init: WiFi RX IRAM OP enablede[0m

e[0;32mI (1347) phy_init: phy_version 4670,719f9f6,Feb 18 2021,17:07:07e[0m
I (1431) wifi:mode : softAP (0a:d1:f9:34:51:60)

I (1433) wifi:Total power save buffer number: 8

I (1433) wifi:Init max length of beacon: 752/752

I (1433) wifi:Init max length of beacon: 752/752

AnalogIn: eFuse Two Point: NOT supported

AnalogIn: eFuse Vref: Supported


RCOutput::init() - channels available: 6


Init ArduCopter V4.4.1 (e010f979)

Free RAM: 113804

Firmware change: erasing EEPROMā€¦


e[0;31mE (1799) sdmmc_req: sdmmc_host_wait_for_event returned 0x107e[0m

e[0;31mE (1803) sdmmc_common: sdmmc_init_ocr: send_op_cond (1) returned 0x107e[0m

e[0;31mE (1803) vfs_fat_sdmmc: sdmmc_card_init failed (0x107).e[0m

sdcard is not mounted

load_all took 4800073us

AnalogIn: adding ardupin:255-> which is adc1_offset:-1

AnalogIn: channel:0 created but using delayed adc and gpio pin configuration

spi device constructed SPI:bmp280:0:0

AP_Logger_File: buffer size=16384

No Compass backends available

spi device constructed SPI:mpu9250:0:1

Also when i connect to Mission Planner via USB, it is not connecting. I tried TCP as well, no luck there.

My Misson Planner version is 4.4.1, any idea on what could be the porblem?

Aslo can u share me your compiled build files?

My email is

Thank you so much!

I had the same problem, mostly this is due to incorrect wiring of the sensors. For me it was that I had forgotten the SPI Chip-Select pin. This is configured here:

    {.name= "bmp280", .bus=0, .device=0, .cs=GPIO_NUM_26, .mode = 3, .lspeed=1*MHZ, .hspeed=1*MHZ}, \
    {.name="mpu9250", .bus=0, .device=1, .cs=GPIO_NUM_5,  .mode = 0, .lspeed=2*MHZ, .hspeed=8*MHZ}

So the IMU needs its CS pin connected to GPIO5.

Hello Vabe, You are using the mpu9250, have you tried with MPU6050?

The Buzz firmware is set up for the mpu9250. I also used the 6050 ones but this requires a different setup. The 6050 doesnā€™t even have SPI so you must use I2C. Here is a setup that uses the GY87 which includes the mpu6050: Discord

Amazing project. Thank @Leon90 for sharing.
And question. I built ardupilot from GitHub scr, flush it to esp32. Reboot. Console log last lines:

I (20320) wifi:mode : softAP (32:ae:a4:96:f4:c4)
I (20322) wifi:Total power save buffer number: 8
I (20322) wifi:Init max length of beacon: 752/752
I (20322) wifi:Init max length of beacon: 752/752
WiFi softAP init finished. SSID: ardupilot123 password: ardupilot123 channel: 1
OK created task _wifi_thread on FASTCPU
AP_Logger_File: buffer size=16384
AnalogIn: adding ardupin:255-> which is adc1_offset:-1
AnalogIn: channel:0 created but using delayed adc and gpio pin configuration
spi device constructed SPI:bmp280:0:0
No Compass backends available
spi device constructed SPI:mpu9250:0:1

Now I have only esp32 board, no any sensors or SD card connected. I try to connect MP and QGC using serial on PC, connect to SoftAP and try to connect MP and QGC on android phone, but without success. This mean that I cant do this without connected to esp32 sensors?
And other question - Ardupilot esp32 console is only for log output? I cant execute any commands via it?
Thanks in advance.

you must connect sensor to connect in MP (need only IMU)
Also when flash firmware you must connect sensor.

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Hi again guys! Iā€™m going to buy ESC for esp32-ardupilot solution. In this

paper DShot is in ā€˜Future developmentā€™ section. Also, it is in the ā€˜Oldā€™ section. So the question is whether the firmware supports DShot right now, which ESC should I buy to work with esp32 FW?
Have a nice day!