Low Cost GPS + Compass Mast

Hello there,
I made a low cost GPS + Compass mast for the U-Blox Neo-6m and QMC5883L compass and want to share it with the community.
It goes quite nicely with Building a mini drone use ESP32 - #101 by Bel101 and is meant for low cost robotic projects with Rover or Plane. Integration has been tested with a ESP32dev-v4, ArduRover & Plane 4.6.0dev. Make sure you apply the u-center changes to the GPS module as described in the Thingiverse article.

If you want I can also provide my ESP32 board settings. Let me know.

Cheers & keep building!

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@cmb87 Much interesting!!! but signal of GPS is OK ?
how many max sats can take ?
the fix of sats is fast ?


It initially takes some time, but then it’s ok. Keep in mind the 6m is a cheap sensor of the earlier generations. But you can get it for 6 bucks. That’s ideal for cheap robotic projects at scale. As for the satellite count I need to perform more tests as my yard where I tested it has some bad gps coverage.

m6n has been out of use for ardupilot for a long time, it works but its gps only. We are now on to the m10, it can use something like 5 different GPS constellations its night and day difference.

wich others GPS modules works with Ardupilot ?
i use Beitian 880 but i want use low cost GPS and add external compass…

I think if it supports NMEA or UBLX protocol and has a matching baud rate + sensor rate any? Correct @geofrancis ?

ublox m8 or m10 is recommended.