Building a 15kg quadcopter

I believe there is not enough bolts on the arms to frame with this type of design. Your best bet is to slide the arms into the hub with a frame clamp for a total of two clamps. Depending on your flight controller do not use a isolated pad. 3m tape will work well. After adjusting the frame you can start the tunning.

@neel_chhatrala provide a .zip file with the ArduPilot Methodic Configurator edited intermediate parameter files.

It makes no sense finding the correct notch filter frequency if all the other parameters are wrong.
You need to do this in a particular sequence and get all parameters right. Every single one! (856.1 KB)
here is my zip file for the same
in temp calibrfation i setup the parameter from mission planner so it may not there in the zip file i send to you

You created three different vehicle configuration directories from template instead of just opening the vehicle directory.

You failed to update the ALL component information in the component editor window.

here are your files, updated and cleaned: Just extract to a directory and select “Open an existing vehicle template directory” in ArduPilot Methodic Configurator (278.1 KB)

Do not fly until you corrected the issues above.

Most parameters are still at default, and because you did not update and corrected the data in component editor I can not fix them for you.

I don’t want to make but it told that its already added and not taking me to further that is configuration thus thats i make another folder

Did you do it like this?

No i added the directory

Open the newest .zip file I sent you.
Extract it
Open the directory in the configurator
In the component editor window, edit ALL values to match your vehicle. Save the file.
Zip it all, and send them to me.

here is the updated one
neel_chhatrala (2).zip (283.8 KB)

I fixed some parameters: (271.0 KB)

Here are some issues that I found. Are you sure the values marked in red are correct?

So you operate in Lituania?
And your frame is welded?
And your T-Motor Prop is a a quality prob from Hobbywing?
And you have a P840 modem connected to your herelink?

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Sorry but this its india
Not welded its a canti lever beam design and also from t-motor only did the quality check not by us.
And its herelink only but as the protocol and baud is same i didn’t vhange it


We have autotuned our Quadcopter, and after the tuning process the PID values came out to be (given below). The new PID values seems to be a bit jerky and aggressive, but the thing is it is quite accurate and follows well. So, should we consider these PID values acceptable or not? Please review the log file and tell accordingly. Since we use Mission Planner therefore, there will not be any Intermediate Param File.

The Log File is given below:

I believe is very hot in India.
You did not complete the Yaw Autotune.
you repeated Roll autotune twice and successfully.
You did not do the pitch autotune, you may have reused the previous tune, not sure. you can try to copy the Roll tunned value to the pitch and do a pitch autotune, AUTOTUNE_AXES,2

any reason why you set INS_log_BAT_MASK to 3 and not 7?
I believe ATC_THR_Mix_MAN can be set to 0.5, because UA has learned the MOT_THST_HOVER value.
You have not updated the PSC_ACCZ_P and I.
interestingly, you have set LOG_FILE_DSRMROT,1, and yet you get one big bin file and not three separate bin files.

2331	34:03.9	MSG	274435042	ArduCopter V4.5.3 (ee14ff38)		
2334	34:03.9	MSG	274435073	CubeOrange 00280036 31325119 34353433		
176131	34:31.6	MSG	302152185	EKF3 IMU2 MAG0 in-flight yaw alignment complete		
176808	34:31.7	MSG	302259719	EKF3 IMU0 MAG0 in-flight yaw alignment complete		
176822	34:31.7	MSG	302262175	EKF3 IMU1 MAG0 in-flight yaw alignment complete		
469310	35:18.9	MSG	349419729	AutoTune: Started		
2325703	40:01.4	MSG	631925473	AutoTune: Roll complete		
2325704	40:01.4	MSG	631925541	AutoTune: Roll Rate: P:0.189	 I:0.189	 D:0.0169
2325705	40:01.4	MSG	631925572	AutoTune: Roll Angle P:8.219	 Max Accel:31380	
2325706	40:01.4	MSG	631925585	AutoTune: Success		
2689889	40:59.7	MSG	690225830	AutoTune: Saved gains for Roll 		
3112374	46:33.1	MSG	1023590306	EKF3 IMU1 MAG0 in-flight yaw alignment complete		
3112415	46:33.1	MSG	1023597854	EKF3 IMU2 MAG0 in-flight yaw alignment complete		
3112429	46:33.1	MSG	1023600296	EKF3 IMU0 MAG0 in-flight yaw alignment complete		
3352401	47:11.5	MSG	1062057897	AutoTune: Started		
7753552	58:24.4	MSG	1734932891	AutoTune: Stopped		
8819448	16:00.4	MSG	2790890291	EKF3 IMU1 MAG0 in-flight yaw alignment complete		
8819489	16:00.4	MSG	2790897837	EKF3 IMU2 MAG0 in-flight yaw alignment complete		
8819503	16:00.4	MSG	2790900298	EKF3 IMU0 MAG0 in-flight yaw alignment complete		
9046219	16:36.7	MSG	2827240745	AutoTune: Started		
11193857	22:05.2	MSG	3155773253	AutoTune: Roll complete		
11193858	22:05.2	MSG	3155773279	AutoTune: Roll Rate: P:0.198	 I:0.198	 D:0.0138
11193859	22:05.2	MSG	3155773393	AutoTune: Roll Angle P:6.133	 Max Accel:28201	
11193860	22:05.2	MSG	3155773406	AutoTune: Success		
11542984	23:01.3	MSG	3211818309	AutoTune: Saved gains for Roll 		
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You keep on insisting on using Mission Planner.

And by doing so many parameters are incorrect like @Jai.GAY said.
You refuse to follow instructions, so I assume you do not want my help.

I used T-MOTOR antigravity mn8014 100kv motor with mf3016 inch propeller and
T-MOTOR flame 80A V2 ESC with 12s 22000mAh solid state battery, now as you said to tune all the three axis, I tunned it and later after observing the flight in Auto mode, roll followed the inputs but slightly wobbled as per the graphs shown below. So just to make roll a bit better I again autotuned roll but this time the wobbling were so drastic and aggressive even in normal wind conditions that
our drone almost crashed.
Though setting
Please look through the screenshots of the graphs and PID value and tell the further course of action?

PID value

Autotune Graph

Auto mode wobbling

Drive link of the log file.

The new Intermediate Param File is attached below: (283.8 KB)

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Under loiter flight mode, do you mean wobble / twitch during position hold? If yes, these two posts may help for the big drone. Loiter delay and reduce sensitive to position control.

I performed the new wind speed estimation according to the new B COEFF_X and Y suggested by yourself, After observing some test flights I found out that the drone still wobbles. Please help me to find out the new EK3_DRAG_MCOEFF.

attached the log file : new_windspeed - Google Drive