Help please on setting up the ESC with the firmware “BlHeli_S”. BlHeliSuite does not detect connected ESC, the screenshot shows the Arducopter settings and the error that BlHeliSuite gives. ESC definitely working through BetaFlight all programmable.
Me too facing the same problem.
ESC-Special Edition Racerstar REV35 35A BLheli_S 3-6S 4 In 1 ESC
Pixhawk clone [white shell] 2.4.8
Tried one shot 125 & D shot 150.
Since around 2 month with the last copter beta the BlHeli_S passthrough its not working anymore here, too.
I can’t remember exactly from whats release its stopped working but it was working in the past!
(I’m using a pixracer)
I am using kaute F4 and blheli_s on freestyle copter. Wires are soldered and passthrough does not work. I have to flash it with betaflight every time I want to change ESC settings and then go back to arducopter.
Well sure I know that. But Ardupilot isn’t going to work with BLHeli or BLHeli_S and having a dedicated FC for programming is a better solution I think than flashing different firmware. But then I have been using an old Naze32 board for this purpose long before Ardupilot supported any passthrough so it’s routine.
Now connect a USB cable to your flight board and use BLHeliSuite on Windows to connect. You will need to use BLHeliSuite32 for BLHeli_32 ESCs, and BLHeliSuite16 for BLHeli/BLHeli_S ESCs.
I think it is a lot less hassle to re flash firmware than partially disassemble the copter, unsolder and resolder ESC wiring just to change ESC settings.
But using Naze32 could be a good option for initial ESC programming before assembly. What firmware can I use with Naze32 for passthrough ESC programming?
Oh, that’s not good… I don’t know who edited that manual page, but I do know from reading around the forums that no one ever worked on making it work w/ anything other than blheli_32…
I would say that is a pretty serious issue that the manual is wrong. Don’t want people making design decisions based on that, only to find, as you have, that it doesn’t work.