Best flight controller (max budget)

What is the best flight controller in terms of ease of use, community support, compatibility with my components, etc.

I am using an H8 configuration with eight V13L KV65 Tmotors/eight Thunder 200A 24S

I am between a Cube Orange flight controller, and Pixhawk 6X Pro flight controller, but I’m open to other suggestions.

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It seems Cube orange has a very strong reputation and very large user base including commercial customers. For me its kind of the standard.

The Pixhawk pro 6x does have very good performance, as tested by Andyp1per.

I would be interesting to hear some comparisons from a user of both.

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I think if your comparing the latest Cube Orange Plus to the 6X Pro it’s really a Honda vs Toyota kind of fight. They are both capable units and it will really come down to what features do you need/want that will seperate the two. Either will fly your drone just fine.

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The main feature I’m looking for is the ability to choose an H8 configuration. I know a lot of setups include X8.

Are there Ferrari vs Lambo flight controller options out there? :smile:

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ahahaha Ferrari sure is fast, but for a flying object I think really I want that Toyota reliability.


H8 vs X8 is just a firmware configuration. No difference in the hardware choice for that regarding the controller. The cube or 6X would be fine and have the same layout for outputs.

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The main difference between these, and the reason for the big price difference, is the IMU in the 6X pro. That IMU chip alone cost ~$375 (qnt 1 pricing).

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In terms of the firmware configuration, is there a setting I can choose from like from a drop-down for H8 or do I have to manually code it in?

I believe I’ve seen an option for H8 in a flight controller before but I forgot which one it was.

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It’s all in the basic configuration.

Start here

Or if you’re more comfortable making expensive mistakes:

Any supported flight controller with 8 outputs will do that. Not really sure what you are getting at.
And move on. A $65 board will do it.