Hi all,
i’m an old quad copter user. Actually i’ve been into RC since i was kid and now i’m working with commercial UAVs, since “beginning” of it. One of my first quad was powered with a very old apm board. Then i flown basically everything quadcopter related, from FPV racing to large professional UAVs. This premise only to say i’m not exactly a “noob”, even if i’m conscious that everything in this world requires some study and trial.
Then, i’m trying to use recent versions of arducopter (>3.0) into some of my UAVs but i think there’s something wrong.
They simply fly like a nightmare. Bad oscillations, difficult/impossible to make even a basic PID setting, difficult to calibrate compass, etc. They looks to me like an noob experiment turned worse.
Then i simply swap the flight controller, put ANYTHING from a cheap fpv racer board (w/any of the open source software avaiable) to an industrial grade $$ worth flight controller into the same frame, and voila. I can fly beautifully since the first flight with any of them. Then i can make a proper tuning in a matter of 2 or 3 flights, with any of them.
If i put back any Pixhawk with any Arducopter version, then i’m back to a barely flyable thing. Oscillations, some commands not working (no yaw, then it turns by itself, etc) crazy oscillations, crazy behavior, difficulties to flash firmwares, slow and buggy connection with planner, i can go on…
I tried different frames and setups, from the F450 to bigger carbon fiber frames, quad and octo.
I even tried it into a large, 700-class “traditional helicopter” just to see how it would perform on it. I encountered some BASIC design flaws into it which made me give up. Just to mention: it can’t manage large digital servos (they don’t even move) due to inconsistences into OS scheduler and different frquency they require on PWM outputs: end of the game, unless you dig into “very creative and dangerous solutions” to make servo move (!!). Not to mention a very buggy and “alpha-stage development state” configuration console and UI, just to set the correct swashplate mixing and other basic things.
What i don’t understand is that arducopter project has turned since years into a very features rich project, with talented people giving their effort to make it cope with industrial grade products and even implementing advanced things like AI, obstacle avoidance, etc.
It looks like a very mature project, with milions of users and hours flied in thousands of uavs all around the world. I cannot believe it’s a gigantic bluff neither people working on it are stupid or inconscious, but still i cannot understand what i’m missing when i go with it.
Can you give me an advice? A video tutorial where a proper flying configuration is showed maybe?