[APPROVED] Speedybee F405 V3 Flight Controller for Porting

Made other flights today (still with 4.4.0 release firmware) and no health issues.
My plan to start is to flash this PR build and change nothing to actual drone setup.
I can fly in a open place only saturdays but I’m used to make (limited) tests indoor in between.
It’s useful If I fly in stabilize and collect logs?

I guess that if I fly stabilize and baro issues occur it will not make drone to crash (flyaways etc), that’s right?
I had bad experience and crashes before while testing indoor in any mode other than stabilize.

Tried it and for now:

  • Can’t make motors to spin. Using Bluejay ESC firmware. Tried changing SERVO_BLH_BDMASK ‘on/off’ and SERVO_DSHOT_ESC and SERVO_DSHOT_RATE but no deal. Changed ESC firmware to BLHeli_S but still same thing.
  • Getting some “Error pos vert variance” messages after “EKF3 IMU0 origin set” with drone idling in the ground

I was flashing betaflight everytime I wanted to update ESC prior to 4.4.0 because it was cranky. Afraid of bricking or something. Now it works flawlessly with 4.4.0. I think I read something about it in changelogs (improved passtrough)

Ok motors not spinning is solvable but the pos vert variance is the baro playing up I think

Seems Speedybee has a new F405 V4 that’s out to replace this V3. Maybe the development should target the new hardware instead?

I think it’s curious how both their V4 (and some ‘mini’ version) main marketing focus is the “very good” and improved filtering with a tantalum capacitor around baro at that same I2C bus. Hm not sure about same bus though. Maybe a clue what might be wrong with V3.

Hello All,

Thank you for this thread. This is one of the only places I have found any information regarding running Ardupilot on the F405 V3. I saw at least one comment which claimed they were able to use the bluetooth signal for mavlink communication? Is this so?
I am unable to get my PC to even find the bluetooth signal after flashing ardupilot, let along get QGC or MissionPlanner to connect to the board over bluetooth. Can anyone point me towards some additional support? I also have a wifi radio; can I use one of the uart channels for mavlink telemetry? Thanks!

Hi. Can you point me to this reference if possible, please?
Because after crawling this forum on this subject my conclusion was: Onboard bluetooth not supported for F405 V3

Sure. It was stated in this thread here: [APPROVED] Speedybee F405 V3 Flight Controller for Porting - #7 by Pradumn_Singh that bluetooth mavlink was sucessfully setup…
As of today I have given up. I did get a wifi radio working with UART 3 though.

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I never got it to work despite quite a lot of trying, but @hwurzburg claims to have done so.

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not a v3, but on the Wing which has a different chip and firmware…the copter targeted bds only have BLE capable chip which no AP GCS supports…

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which firmware your are using and it version?

i am using speedybeef405 v3, stable version of 4.4.3 copter firmware, frame type = 12 [betaflight x] .
on HUD it always show bad compass health but on compass calibration page, it not detected any compass.
Is any special parameter i need to setup for compass. i saw the comments below this . and lot of facing same problem. i disabled log_backend_type = 0 . mot_pwm_type = 0 [NORMAL]. still it show bad compass health.

Im sorry but i was not talking abut the onboard bluetooth …
i used a HC-05 module from my previous build …

Bluetooth mavlink works ( Using external HC-05 module not internal ).

@andyp1per :

just a note : inav and speedybee documented current sensor coefficient value is 386 0.1mV/A, so inverting it I get BATT_AMP_PERVLT=25.9, not 29.5.
Did You “invert” (by mistake/typo) the digits, or there is other rational behind ?


These are always dependent on the ESC you are using. I think I probably measured it and put in that number - you can easily change it

It only takes one flight and a battery recharge to re-factor it if required.


I mean , anyway, speedybee complete stack hw, not only FC.

386 value (25.9) is specific of speedybeef4v3 PDB (documented in pdf manual).

Other PDBs have differenti current sensor specificatons.


Hi I am configuring Speedybee f405 v4 with blheli s Esc to ardupilot but the Esc is not getting recognised. I flashed bluejay and enabled the SERVO_BLH_AUTO along with BLH_MASK through which I am able to control motor1 and motor2 in the motor test tab. But motor 3 and motor 4 aren’t getting recognised.

You know its different firmware for v4? Did you pick the right firmware?