[APPROVED] Speedybee F405 V3 Flight Controller for Porting

Approved by @Funding_Team

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Cheap price of this stack with the reliability of ardupilot will be the best match for many of us …

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I received it today. It’s a totally different board to the target we have - requires a full hwdef rewrite


Great! I used it with stack Betaflight and it flew great. Can’t wait to get it on ardupilot!!!


If you want to try it, firmware attached to the PR:


Hello so i installed the firmware and everything works
Elrs telemetry yaapu script works
esc telemetry works
Dshot 300
external compass and gps works Ublox Neo M8N GPS compass
bluetooth mavlink works
camera gimbal (2 axis PWM) control via M5 and M6 outputs works (i can’t figure out how to setup gimbal in setup tab so its just RC PassThru )
OSD works
Voltage and amp sensor works …
data logging on SD card works …
i did a small hover in my room in stabilize mode with previous PID values and copter feels stable.
all the serial ports match up with the pads on flight controller board …
i cant figure out the buzzer but i guess i have the wrong buzzer/safety switch module

Amazing job and thank you soo much …

Good to hear!

Did you try bdshot? I tested it this morning and was having issues.
Also not sure I have got the voltage and current scale correct yet.

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the 4 in one esc that comes with the flight controller are BLheli_S and the manufacturer said they were experiencing some problems with BlueJay firmware so no bdshot or rpm filtering …
i will try later with some Blheli_32 escs …

bdshot is working … checking the other things

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Hi James,

I’m just curios, if there is a funding team regarding ardupilot money needs to be coming from somewhere.

Do the developers of ardupilot get paid to develop the firmware and how is ardupilot funded since it’s opensource and free to use???

Partners pay a subscription for support - that money is used to support this kind of activity.


ah, okay. Support from developers?

Great job!
Will try during the week and let you know.

We also get donations from both individuals and business who are using ArduPilot.



A bit for some hardware like for this project.
It also support the different servers we got (build server, discord, discuss, etc …) and the support engineer for the partners companies.

We should probably add this to the donation page : ArduPilot Partners Program — Copter documentation


Which tool did you use to upload the .bin file?

I tend to use dfu - ArduCopter 7" LR Build Video 4 - Initial Firmware Load - YouTube

I had to go back 10 years to remember my command line abilities!
But they came back fine and I was able to follow your instructions.
It is now running 4.4 and I will go thru all necessary parameters and settings to get it working.
Will keep you posted. Thanks so much for all your help!f
Great job!


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Hii so today I flashed bluejay firmware on my escs and tried bdshot but after setting the parameter SERVO_BLH_BDMASK =15
And rebooting the compass and barometer stops working and I get a compass not healthy error …

Don’t set SERVO_BLH_MASK - you only need to set MOT_PWM_TYPE and SERVO_BLH_BDMASK

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