An Open Source Frsky Telemetry Script for the Horus X10,X12 and Taranis X9D,X9E and QX7 radios

@yak-54 this looks like an ethos bug to me, you should open an issue by attaching the script i sent you and describing your setup

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Alex, I switched back 19. X version.

Questions for you. My plane has two frysky lipo battery monitor sensors so I can monitor both batteries and each individual cells within each battery.

Inside the Horus x10S (Running open TX) both voktage sensors are discovered.

I am little confused how do I display each sensor individual cell data inside a widget.

I can see one sensor data and individual cell voltages but not the second one. See screen shots.

Do I need to change anything? Like the sensors have to have a unique ID?

will do thanks for your help :+1:

Hi Alex,

I wanted to know if VSpeed is output by default from Ardupilot in CRSF protocol. Probably no, right?

Hi, yes they have to have unique IDs and to use them with my widget the second one needs to be called “Cel2”, quick google search to change the ID “flvss how to set id - Google Search


Hi, CRSF protocol telemetry does have a VSpd sensor and is up to the flight controller to output additional custom sensors, ArduPilot at the moment does not send vario frames

Thanks for the confirmation. I think it’s a pity, because the values are available in the Ardupilot OSD.

By the way, Baro Attitude is still missing in the above list from the Crossfire manual. VSpd and Baro Attitude are present in both Crossfire and ELRS in the CRSF definition, but differently: in Crossfire it is 2 single values, in ELRS both sensors are packed into one value.

Does it make sense to start an issue at Ardupilot so that VSpd / Baro Attitude are also passed via CRSF? The space is there, why not fill it?

Hi, well, VSpd is a “true” CRSF sensor, with a specific frame ID, so I agree it could be implemented, as a matter of fact I’m aleady writing a PR for it whilst baro alt is a “unilateral” elrs addition, so far from a CRSF standard sensor, i.e. a TBS crossfire kit could very well reject the unknown frame ID especially in low rate rf modes.
Another point to consider is that in low rate rf modes bandwidth is really really limited and whatever you add will “eat” bandwidth for other frames, in my case for custom telemetry frames (the ones used by my scripts), there only is so much bandwidth and we cannot make everybody happy

@yaapu Do the scripts work for Ethos TANDEM X20 HD that has the 800x480 Color Touch-Screen Display?


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Hi, yes, 800x480 is a supported resolution, I own an X20 and do all my development on that radio.
I do not have an x20HD so can’t test on actual hardware but should run just fine unless the video support brought in some unexpected bugs

Yes, I read your discussion in the ELRS area with pkendall64, where it was about these things. Is probably everything not so simple … Whereby ELRS has it also not simply, because in “ExpressLRS” simply also two things are suggested (speed and Long Range) and both things collide somehow also :slightly_smiling_face:


I changed the FLVSS ID’s to 2 and 3 and this is my setup.

Where can I find the instructions on how to setup each individual cells setting inside the Horus X10S?

Forgot how to do that.

I just tried this out. With Crossfire it looks like this for the baro Alt sensor:
Ethos 1.4.4 - missing
OpenTX 2.3.15 - available
EdgeTX 2.8.0 - available

(no Yaapu script activated)

So probably a problem of Ethos.

X12S Emergency mode when using lua scripts on the external Modules

bsongis-frsky added the bug Something isn’t workinglabel 11 hours ago

bsongis-frsky added this to the 1.4.5 milestone 11 hours ago

bsongis-frsky closed this as completed 5 hours ago Fix Found

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Hi Asim, if I recall right you need to create the calculated sensors for cell min, cell difference, etc for both sensors by hand, I’ve done that in companion which is way easier.
The autodiscovery only finds the aggregated “cels” sensor which is an array of the individual cell values.

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Hello Alex and Colin,
I know this is a few pages back so forgive me if this isnt the correct etiquette. Ive been having some issues between the rfd900 txmod v2 sport and ethos on a x20. I can get telemetry using colins relay method but nothing hardwired using either the module bay port or the external s.port. Id prefer to be hardwired for simplicity. Ive even tried disabling the module bay ppm while still using the external sport option in the telemetry widget. Any ideas? Has anyone had success hardwiring s.port with telemetry scripts? Im assuming this is an issue with Ethos not enabling the ports but I figured I would ask.

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Hi, I had the external sport working with my widget but had to write a parser for the sport protocol, are you trying to discover the sensors or your goal is using my widget?

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My goal is to use your widget. It works great with a r-xsr being a relay using 2.4 however I have not had success using external sport option within your widget either thru the module bay or true external port.

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My testing setup included an esp32 with the MavToPT firmware connected to the external sport @56k baud, my widget configured via the settings to use “external sport”.
Only issue is the mavlink rates have to be kind of slow, especially vfrhud (attitude), since a pure sport parser is not that fast

are you using ethos 1.4.1 up ?

i have had issue with the sport on the external bay that has been fixed 1.4.5 on the x12s it may be the same on the X20